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Recharged Squad Challenge 011 - VCTR-SCTR

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default_pole_position_blimp_big.gifCongratulations D.JOE!


Congratulations to high score legend D.JOE, the winner of our VCTR-SCTR Recharged Squad Challenge!

@D.joe kicks off the first round of the New Year with a stunning score of 96,057! I hit a wall at Wave 3 but managed to take second with a score of 51,031.  @Mockduck snuck in a late entry for a third place finish of 46,337.  @stirrell takes fourth with a strong showing of 34,360.  @Stlrs95 and @RickR round out the scoreboard with 18,549 and 15,831, respectively. 

As the winner of this round @D.joe will receive 3 entries in the upcoming giveaway (prize TBA)!

@Mockduck will receive two entries since he posted his attempt via YouTube.  Everyone else will receive one entry!

I'd like to encourage D.Joe to post this high score on the Scoreboard so we can make sure this Challenge continues on!

Congratulations again to @D.joe on an incredible showing!  (WOW!)

Also, a big congratulations to the rest of the Squad!  Thanks for participating and helping us to kick the year off right!

VCTR-SCTR is a true love letter to Atari's classic vector games.  I think that Digital Eclipse really distilled the essence of what made the games like Asteroids, Tempest, Battlezone, Star Wars and Lunar Lander so special.  They created a brilliant homage in this reimagined mash-up!  

NOTE: Our next Recharged Squad Challenge is Neo Breakout! Be there!




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