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Stay Frosty 2: Stay Frostier - Full Version ROM released!


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Everyone's favorite snowman is back!!!! Stay Frosty 2: Stay Frostier was released last Christmas and for the first time ever, the full version ROM has been released for everyone to play thru emulation on Stella or on your Harmony cart for the 2600.








Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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the owner's manual info for those who have not played Stay Frosty before...........


msg-3056-0-67782400-1434728530.jpg   msg-3056-0-56388600-1434728541.jpgmsg-3056-0-05359200-1434728536.jpgmsg-3056-0-69318400-1434728546.jpg

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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the original Stay Frosty 2: Stay Frostier demo ROM - which only contained 7 levels - can be found here:




Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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