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About this blog

This Blog consists of Games and Hardware I recommend! (Some you may of heard of and some maybe you haven't) I am also going to review some games, and give you my thoughts and opinions on them. (Should you buy or stay away from it) I'm going to cover games and hardware from past to present. I may cover some board games as well. 

Entries in this blog


It's time for my Pac-Attack review. Recently I've been spending a lot of time with this game. For those who haven't played Pac-Attack it is a 1993 falling-tile puzzle video game developed and published by Namco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis. Or to put it in simpler terms it's Tetris featuring Pac-Man. 😂 Your goal just like in Tetris is to eliminate the blocks to get as many points while trying not to hit the top of the board. In this game to add a little twist the


1Littlebeast in Puzzle Games

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