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Stories on work done here at the ITC. Some of it might be interesting to some folks.

Entries in this blog

ITC Colecovision Upgrades

I've always had a Colecovision as one of the consoles that is pretty much at the ready since first putting all my consoles together in the game room. That said, the CV is one of the consoles that doesn't get much time as compared to most of the others. It should come as no surprise that my CV is also pretty heavily upgraded. It has a dedicated composite video output amp, RGB, the +5v RAM modification, and a short delay BIOS installed into it. But even with all of that, I've never been 100% happy

The ITC5200 got some more TLC for 2024

So around a year ago or so, I did a blog on some updates and cleaning up I did on my personal 5200 here at the ITC. Well yesterday I found myself with some spare time and decided I would revisit my 5200 again. Only this time, I was really going to redo pretty much everything. Originally my 5200 had an older LHE style AV upgrade in place and for the time when I installed it about a decade ago, it was excellent and honestly has provided great results that I never wanted to change it out even
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