PLAY EPISODE 22 HERE #PA2041, Published by Atari Corp. In this episode I cover yet another arcade port for the Lynx, Paperboy,
released in 1990. Included are statistics for the game and a run-down
on how to play it, along with reviews and ratings, some fun facts and
trivia, and lots of listener feedback about the game. Also in today’s
episode: Monty and I talk about the lost art of delivering newspapers
door to door.
“Yes…it’s true…I once owned a Morris Minor to deliver The Heckington H
PLAY EPISODE 21 HERE #PT5003, Published by Shadowsoft, Inc.(PA2082 on Atari’s Master Part Number Listing) In this episode I cover a very highly regarded arcade port for the Lynx, Robotron: 2084, released for the Lynx in 1991. Included are statistics for the game, a run-down on how to play it, reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and (of course) listener feedback about the game. Plus, during the course of this episode, I begin to foster grave concerns about Monty’s true motivations re
PLAY EPISODE 20 HERE #PA2039, Published by Atari Corp. In this episode I cover one of the best arcade ports ever released for the Lynx, Ninja 外伝 Gaiden, released for the Lynx in 1991. Included are statistics for the game and a run-down on how to play it, along with reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and lots of listener feedback about the game. Also in today’s episode: Monty displays his prowess as a Supreme Verbal Ninja…whatever that is. “I know not one whit of sarcasm.” -Monty
PLAY EPISODE 19 HERE #PA2038, Published by Atari Corp. In this episode I cover the first of two American-rules football games for the Atari Lynx, Tournament Cyberball 2072, released in 1991. Included are statistics for the game and a run-down on how to play it, along with reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and some listener feedback about the game. In the previous episode, Monty and I discussed the differences between soccer and American football (I’m still unclear about that). In
PLAY EPISODE 18 HERE #PA2037, Published by Atari Corp. In this episode I cover the first of two soccer games for the Lynx, World Class Fussball/Soccer, also known as World Class Soccer, released for the Lynx in 1992. Included are statistics for the game and a run-down on how to play it, along with reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and some listener feedback about the game. And Monty and I get into a spirited (and ultimately futile) discussion about the differences between soccer,
PLAY EPISODE 17 HERE #PA2036, Published by Atari Corp. In this episode Monty and I cover one of the best arcade combat racing games for the Lynx, RoadBlasters, released for the Lynx in 1990. In addition to providing statistics, gameplay, reviews and ratings, fun facts and trivia, and listener feedback about the game, I pose an easy Atari Lynx trivia question to Monty, who refuses to join in the fun and to provide an answer because he is not a fan of pub quizzes……nor of my singing.“Let’s all go
PLAY EPISODE IN02 HERE THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE: Recorded May 19, 2021 Many, many thanks go to Scott Rhoades, the gifted Atari game manual writer who graciously agreed to be interviewed for The HandyCast. Scott's willingness to share his experiences at Atari during the Lynx's early days is a testament to his devotion to the craft of writing, to fans of his work, and to the Atari Lynx community. Cheers to you, Scott! Biography of Scott Rhoades: Portfolio website (includ
PLAY EPISODE 15 HERE #PA2034, Published by Atari Corp.In this episode I cover one of several sports titles created for the Lynx, Basketbrawl, released for the Lynx in 1992. Included are statistics for the game and a run-down on how to play it, along with reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and some listener feedback about the game. BASKETBRAWL VITAL STATISTICS Release Date: Originally scheduled for release in December of 1991, according to this blurb on page 163 of the January 1991
PLAY EPISODE 14 HERE #LX102, Published by Telegames, Inc.In this episode I cover one of my favorite arcade games of the 1980s, QiX (pronounced "kicks"), released for the Lynx in 1991 by Telegames. I've got vital statistics about the game, along with gameplay, reviews and ratings, some fun facts and trivia, and some listener feedback about the game.QiX VITAL STATISTICS Release Date: October of 1991 by Telegames. Initial retail price: Unknown. Cartridge: Stereo curved lip-style cartridge of unkno
PLAY EPISODE 16 HERE #PA2035, Published by Atari Corp.In this episode Monty and I cover a "Zero-G Futuresport" game for the Lynx, Robo-Squash, set in either the 29th or 31st century and released for the Lynx in 1990. As Monty seems somewhat confused as to what the game of squash really is, I go about setting him straight. In the meantime, he and I provide statistics for Robo-Squash, as well as a run-down on how to play it. We also go over reviews and ratings for the game, some fun facts and tr