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Upp Plus released for the Atari 2600


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Since some people missed out on the limited run of Upp! carts I just came out with a new edition.  Although there are graphical and some scoring differences it should ahve the same appeal as the original.


It can be ordered here:






Youtube video is from the original but still definitely applies!

Please check out my Atari 2600 party favors at https://theloon.itch.io/  

Downloadable games include Upp Plus Plus, Stranglehand, Nitebear on Sleepystreet and more!

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the original Upp! is a pretty cool game in itself............


Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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I tried to use some of the feedback from Upp!  One thing was making side labels for the case side.  The player ship is slightly shorter which will hopefully give a bit of an edge avoiding the plasma ball and laser.  Finally, I increased the score for exiting a level and added an effect as you escape :)

Please check out my Atari 2600 party favors at https://theloon.itch.io/  

Downloadable games include Upp Plus Plus, Stranglehand, Nitebear on Sleepystreet and more!

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