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U.S.B Jaguar Pro-Controller For Modern Computers and Original Hardware

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I have struggled to find a P.C/Mac/Linux U.S.B Jaguar Pro-Controller solution anywhere.

Are there any available, or in production?

It would be great to have a controller that works on modern platforms, and real Jaguar hardware.

A controller such as this could have improvements over the original:

- Improved D-pad

- Reduced overall size (keypad stays the same as the original)


If there is a controller like this available/in-development then please post any relevant links.


Now that Jaguar emulation is going to be a thing for the VCS, there's no better time for a manufacturer to produce a new, and improved Jaguar controller for the VCS, modern-platforms', and Jaguar hardware.

Reduce the size, but keep the key-pad the same size, have a diamond of four-action-buttons' on the facia, and have four-shoulder-buttons'.


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