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Posts posted by mummite

  1. Hello!  I am new here and found this forum by searching for help on LCD replacement for roadblasters. 

    I have owned 3 Atari system 1 machines and one of them has a bad monitor.  I want to get the old RGB monitor out and use a VGA converter and replace the monitor tube.

    Couple questions

    -          Looks like the old RGB connector into the tube would not work since the wire pinout order is different.  So did you just cut the wires and re-solder them in that order.  From bottom up Red, Green, Blue, Black and Brown.  Other 2 wires V and H synch just leave out?


    -          I assume all over plugs into the old monitor besides those 5 wires won’t be needed anymore.


    -          How did you power the convertor and monitor just use an external power supply?


    -          Also what monitor did you use?  To fit in the machine.


    -          Is it easy to adjust the monitor to fit?  Picture and mounting


    -          Is it possible to get a couple more pictures posted for reference?  The more the better also would love some pictures of what wires go to the power switcher.


    Thank you and great work.  I really enjoy Roadblasters and would like to give this machine some life.  I wish my machine had a newer style power switcher.  That may be my next project on this machine.

    I won’t be doing this for a bit, since the machine is not near me.  But I am collecting the parts and info for when I dig into it in the next couple months.

    Also this is a great forum!  Good stuff


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