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D r Clu

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Everything posted by D r Clu

  1. So anyone tried this yet? When I played Towers II I found it interesting but... boring. It took forever to find a handful of enemies. So better now?
  2. BTW, those with the game drive and want to the first 16 levels selectable can use this file which you'll need to rename "Attack Of The Mutant Penguins.e2p". Attack Of The Mutant Penguins e2p.pdf
  3. I have to toally agree! It's a reaally solid game. Good music, sound, mini-games. These days when I want a trick challenging game, I start at level 16 and play to level 20, the last four levels. There are three difficulty levels (normal, tricky, wicked) I played wicked and being that you have to spend more effort getting a weapon, t was inded wicked. Made it to the 4th level. When you play the game the title makes more sense. But it is a nice eye catching title. Also, I think it is a game that some read and go "is that a real title"?
  4. As best I can tell, level 16 is the highest level you can select from the start screen.
  5. Between here and Atariage I'm starting to think not many play Attack of the Mutant Penguins.
  6. Hey all, this thread is for people to be able to talk about Attack of the Mutant Penguins. I've actually beat this game once and had a great time with it. Been playing Attack of the Mutant Penguins lately, and the highest saved level is 11. That is to say, the highest level I can select is 11 from the start even though I've solved up to 15. Any idea why the level is not being saved? This was me playing it on the Game Drive. I played the real cartridge and that one saved the levels all the way to level 16. I am wondering if I need to beat the level above? Basically beat level 18, and it will save the level progress at 17, that sort of thing?
  7. High score club is in their third month of the current season, and previous games can be played for one participation point, which can help. Current month is Raiden and Rayman! Pulling out the stops for this one! https://forums.atariage.com/topic/356322-jaguar-hsc_season-18_round-3-raiden-and-rayman/
  8. This thread is for the high score thread over on Atariage where people play set games and submit their scores or whatever accomplishments here. If you are unable to get on Atariage we could pass scores over to their message area from time to time before the deadline. And naturally if the score is accepted will be up to the person running the HSC.
  9. Very interesting, so how is this coming along?
  10. Does Piko Interactive do their own ports, or is that something CJ also works on?
  11. Thanks for the news! Don't know why I didn't see that.
  12. I would love to see this developed more.
  13. I love them all! Played on even the adaptors for the Intellivision and ColecoVision. I think the weakest ones are the newest Flashbacks and even the Atari 2600+ only due to amount of games that work on those due to not 100% working emulation. The best to me? I think for footprint the 2600 jr. is a great way to go. Part of me wonders if a Intellivision adaptor or the other could be made to work on their own? 😄 That would be a nice tiny 2600. Nostalgia: Started on Telegames model. And I have a 6 switch 2600 in the box.
  14. I love the Next Gen one BTW. They were a pretty accepting crew, but even they had their limits. And Riker phasering the warp drive was awesome. Could see him doing that. LOL!
  15. Getting all these guys to voice act their parts is the best part. And now the cycle is complete. We finally have an animated Enterprise!
  16. Lost interest in Atariage entirely? Or other sites he was on? Yeh doesn't look good does it? Again glad we got the teaser, at least the Lynx folk have SOMETHING Bentley Bear. Just wish we could have enjoyed the later work or that could have been uploaded. It was looking quite snappy!
  17. I seem to remember my uncles and aunts kinda begrudgingly asking "So you still play that Atari" which was not wrong at all in my case as I only had Atari. Wanted to get ColecoVision, but then got an Atari 400 which my Dad happily helped me upgrade and get a disk drive and I was in the world of computers at that point! But yeh, Atari is to video games (or was, later "Nintendo", as we would see by the movie "Hudson Hawk"), or having a "coke" in the south was for soft drinks for the longest. And I still Xerox things. 😉 Fun fact, in the early Macintosh game Cap'n Megneto there was a one character you could interact with, and if you laid something next to that character it would copy it. The character's name was a Xerox.
  18. Looks like about this time last year. Wonder what happened to him?
  19. I tried to contact the author but so far nothing. Would have been nice to see the more improved version that he showed in later screen shots with the background. But at least we got the demo that we got.
  20. Oh I agree. I see the Lynx homebrew of Bentley Bear's Honey Hunt had a early alpha of the rom released for trying out: https://www.retrovideogamer.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8567.0 Do you know if the later work with the background and all was released to also try out? Also, interesting note, the programmer of Crystal Castles is on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/franz.lanzinger
  21. Found an article showing the mascots across various companies and platforms. Been a Mac user since 1989 and never heard of their mascot. 😮 https://gameconsole.fandom.com/wiki/Just_For_Fun/Company_Mascots
  22. Posted an article about Bentley Bear on my Atari Jaguar Mascots Blog.
  23. I believe I have. I believe that character showed as a mascot suit in another movie I was watching once. Kawaee! As for Bentley Bear, ok for the longest I pushed for Bubsy as the mascot, at least for the Atari Jaguar. I think Bentley Bear IS the unspoken mascot for Atari. At least over time he has gotten a lot of screen time and fairly well represented over the various Atari platforms. Check this out, I was actually quite amazed! Atari 2600 - Crystal Castles Atari (5200?), 400/800, XL, XE - Crystal Castles Atari 7800 - Bentley Bear Crystal Quest (homebrew) Atari ST - Crystal Castle Bentley Bear's Alphabet Tutor Bentley Bear's Equation Builder Bentley Bear's General Store Bentley Bear's Magical Anagrams Bentley Bear's Magical Math 1 Bentley Bear's Magical Math 2 Bentley Bear's Magical Math 3 Bentley Bear's Memory Master Bentley Bear's Memory Master II Bentley Bear's Spelling Bee Bentley Bear's Typing Tutor Atari Jaguar - Atari Karts Other appearances: And I like how Bentley Bear is the main show character for Atari Mania cover art. (Haven't had a chance to look at the actual game or whatever it is) Three appearances in 50th Anniversary with the arcade Crystal Castles, 2600 Crystal Castles, and Atari Karts. Bentley Bear apparently made an appearance in Wreck-It-Ralph. Not a great likeness, but the basics are there... So yeh, I think Bentley Bear is already the unspoken mascot for Atari. And you know what, I'm ok with that. He's kinda cute, and I like how there is still a lot to know about the character.
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