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MaximumRD last won the day on June 20

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About MaximumRD

  • Birthday 02/11/1968

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    MST3K Fan

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  1. Exactly, nice to feel like actually doing things! Forgot to mention the HAZE is likely from fires in surrounding towns/areas, it's a BC thing, and we had major lighting storms in surrounding areas, just keeping fingers crossed there is no repeat of major fires too close to us, at least to the point of being on evac alert. I am hoping last year was enough that the reinforced fire walls on Know mountain as well as what was already burned off keeps us here in Kelowna alert free for a few years, I don't need the anxiety like last summer. 😬
  2. We got HAZY but sunny skies but more, thankfully, a break by about 5 or so degrees below the extreme heat we've had the past couple weeks plus low humidity. Makes a big difference to our tolerance levels.
  3. I'll take it! I have always been pretty resistant to cold, more so than hot, at least you can cover up, get under comforters, get cozy, heat well.... I can only strip down so much 😁
  4. Set this as my Dell Laptop background, Norway, where I would rather be right now instead of enduring this heatwave here 😜
  5. Went for take out at Salsa & Sabor Restaurant in Rutland and then a 5 min. drive to the farm Melissa volunteers at to sit in the shade and enjoy on another hot day!
  6. I would like you not to assume you can alter an image someone else posts, it might be different if you asked if the person would like it "enhanced", honestly it comes off a bit creepy, nobody asked you to do this. Now, if you want to get all bent out of shape and stop coming here that's on you, you seem to get hot headed and upset pretty easily the moment someone asks you to not do something on a forum.
  7. Please stop doing this. It's been mentioned to you before regarding the image quality by Rick.
  8. Was just doing some organizing and came across these, so thought only fair to add to my original post. 😝 As mentioned previously YES I had sold my collection to a local video store THAT SAID, funny enough I only have these left, for some reason, well honestly I very purposely kept HELLBOUND HELLRAISER II COLLECTORS EDITION because it's a great copy and badass. I cannot really explain the other two I still own 😝But anyway here is everything I have left, I DO still have a couple VCR's and a wicked little CRT should I ever want to re-visit for nostalgia.
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