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Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo (PAGE) 2025

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Today, I bought a badge to attend the Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo in January 2025. PAGE will be my very first role playing game convention. Attending GenCon has been a bucket list item since I was a kid playing D&D and reading Dragon magazine during the early 80s. Times have changed and GenCon is no longer held in Lake Geneva, and surprisingly my very first RPG con isn't GenCon.

I didn't know anything about PAGE until a few weeks ago. I had bought some RPG related items in a Facebook group, and the seller turned out to be the organizer of PAGE. He invited me to join the PAGE Facebook group, and one thing led to another and now I'm going.

I haven't played D&D regularly since high school. I ran a few sessions with my kids when they were in elementary school more than 10 years ago.

I don't have many of the RPG goods from my childhood any longer, and I shared recently a photo of the candy tin where I stored my dice. Here's a close up of my very first dice set, my most treasured relic from my D&D playing days. I no longer have the d6 though.

I still need to buy a badge for PRGE 😂




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