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I never understood why they made this device, and I'll tell you why. (Does your opinion differ?)

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Sure, back "in the day", computer accessories were expensive.  But the item shown here always left me scratching my head.  Why?  Here are my reasons...

1) If you had enough money to buy an expensive printer (they were NOT) cheap back then, wouldn't you have enough money for a P-Box?

2) If you used this thing, you would be using either a cassette drive to store a really cruddy word processing program, or be using multiple daisy chain sidecars.



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5 hours ago, RobertLM78 said:

Budget operation is a budget operation - buy what you need and forget the extras

I understand what you are saying, but it's been my personal experience that whenever you go cheap, you usually pay for it later by spending more and eventually buying what you should have in the first place.

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