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This is a blog for all my projects, playing, and a plethora of perplexing pieces from my pen.

Entries in this blog

Tic-Tac-Toe part 2.

It took a couple of days but I think I have the game working with win detection. It was really stubborn for some reason. During the madness, my computer crapped out on me, so I had to force a shutdown and turn it back on again. After I turned it back on again, I decided I should really get some sleep. I awoke at about 9 a.m. I was really hot. Whenever the furnace is on, it gets really hot in my room and not elsewhere in the entire house. It's stupid, but oh well. So I went back to programmi

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects


So it took 6 hours, but I finally got x and o input working. Use the left controller for x and the right one for o. Next up is win checking. I have about 300 bytes left to do that in. I'll do that later sometime. It works just like I intended it to: pressing up makes a letter in the upper middle, etc. Diagonals work well too. Press ACTION to put a letter in the center part. Now I will test it on a real Odyssey 2. I just took my pills this morning. One tried to escape. I could fee

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

X vs. O

I'm making a new game for the Odyssey 2. This because I got real bored. The title screens switch between a screen with x's and a screen with o's. First I plan to make a simple tic-tac-toe game as an Easter egg. You'll move the joystick to the desired space, and press ACTION to use the center square. I'm imagining something like the Tic-Tac-Toe game on the Channel F. If you click on the link above and download the zip file, I've also included the code for the game. Which shows a l

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Yum! for the Game Gear

I find it easier to work on Game Boy projects since I can use C on them. Well, I guess I could use C for Game Gear as well, but since I learned how to program the Game Gear in assembly before I learned the Game Boy in C, I just decided to keep using assembly for Game Gear. So here is a Game Gear program I have been working on. It's called Yum! It's a very simple game, yet I was having quite the trouble programming it. I thought I had made it random, but someone pointed out it wasn't. So I w

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

An introduction.

Hello. I decided to make a blog for all my stuff I get busy working on. I have made lots of projects. I completed a lot, but I continue to make more. I live here in Oregon, which, while having a reputation for being rainy all the time, I don't find it so. It's supposed to be in the 90s this weekend. I maintain the Atari 2600 Land, which used to be a project of mine, but I don't care about it much any more. Even so, I will NOT entertain offers from Atari about buying it. I also periodically

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings

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