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An introduction.

Wumperdinkle Sniy


Hello. I decided to make a blog for all my stuff I get busy working on. I have made lots of projects. I completed a lot, but I continue to make more. I live here in Oregon, which, while having a reputation for being rainy all the time, I don't find it so. It's supposed to be in the 90s this weekend.

I maintain the Atari 2600 Land, which used to be a project of mine, but I don't care about it much any more. Even so, I will NOT entertain offers from Atari about buying it. I also periodically make a periodical, an e-zine about my computer-related musings, called the Big Belch Computer News.

I have quite the menagerie of consoles, ranging from a Maganvox Odyssey to a Nintendo Switch. Sometimes I am awake all night and sleep all day, and other times I'm asleep all night and awake all day. Right now I'm awake a little after midnight here.

I used to play my Atari 2600 a lot, but not as much since i got the other retro consoles. Now I have about 350 Atari 2600 games in the pantry just sitting there collecting dust. Perhaps I should sell them.

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