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About this blog

This is a blog for all my projects, playing, and a plethora of perplexing pieces from my pen.

Entries in this blog

The end of November

So I have been doing a lot of work recently. I picked back up the X Vs. O game I was making for the Odyssey 2 and added a few more things. I added a win counter to the tic-tac-toe game, I added in the Cedar Games logo splash screen, and now I'm working on a Whack-an-O game. That is what the last picture is. No game play has been added yet. But I will add O's to whack and X's to not whack hopefully soon. I was really sleepy after getting up at 10p.m. so I went to sleep at around

The life of a zamboni driver

New comic. Kevin is a zamboni driver. Bertha is his wife. They live in Cincinnati with their dog named Rex. I drew and colored this comic strip because I was bored. I'll probably make more. In case you don't find it funny, it isn't meant to be. It's just, well, odd. And if you do find it funny, good for you. I got this idea because I was looking at a pair of scissors and wondering why they're always in pairs and what is a scissor? I tried really hard to make my handwriting legibl

Playstation games.

So I got a haircut. After I got my hair cut, I stopped by my local game store and walked out with three Plyaystation games, knowing full well I would need to find it when I came home. I also stopped at Subway and got a salad. One of the first things I was asked was "Do you want lettuce in your salad?" I'm wondering what would happen if I said "no." Isn't a salad just a bunch of lettuce with some other stuff thrown in? Well, on the car ride home I ate the salad. I usually didn't like salads, but

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings

An introduction.

Hello. I decided to make a blog for all my stuff I get busy working on. I have made lots of projects. I completed a lot, but I continue to make more. I live here in Oregon, which, while having a reputation for being rainy all the time, I don't find it so. It's supposed to be in the 90s this weekend. I maintain the Atari 2600 Land, which used to be a project of mine, but I don't care about it much any more. Even so, I will NOT entertain offers from Atari about buying it. I also periodically

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings

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