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This is a blog for all my projects, playing, and a plethora of perplexing pieces from my pen.

Entries in this blog

My work

I redesigned all the levels in the Hamburgers game for the Game Gear. I think I'm done with that game. I went back to work to see if I could get rid of the scanline issue I had with Fruit Fly Fun for the Atari 2600. I think I did. I played it on an Atari 7800 and I was surprised that a 6 button Genesis controller works, only fire is B. So now I'll continue work on some of my other projects. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

A month later...

I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted here. Time really flies by. I finished two games: Stupidman (NES) and Flying Hamburgers (GG). Decided to go back to work on a game that I don't need very good artistic skills to work on. That would be the Odyssey 2. I worked some on a new minigame where the object is to get the Ps and avoid the Os. It needs more work for me to be happy with it, but I'm at a good stopping point so I'll stop and rest for a bit now. This is the l

Purple mountains majesty

I have been working on a video game for the Sega Game Gear called Flying Hamburgers. It's like "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland" but with some differences. I am wanting to make this the best video game I've ever made so I'm working and working and working on it. It is 128 KB (so far). Right now I'm working on level 5. So I'm trying my best to compose good sounding background songs for each of the levels. I'm trying my best to make good graphics. And I'm trying my best to make the g

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

The end of November

So I have been doing a lot of work recently. I picked back up the X Vs. O game I was making for the Odyssey 2 and added a few more things. I added a win counter to the tic-tac-toe game, I added in the Cedar Games logo splash screen, and now I'm working on a Whack-an-O game. That is what the last picture is. No game play has been added yet. But I will add O's to whack and X's to not whack hopefully soon. I was really sleepy after getting up at 10p.m. so I went to sleep at around

Another project finished.

Today I composed the final two songs I needed and put them in the game. And now it's finished. Stupidman has been completed. I like it when I can finish projects. Unlike that stupid fruit fly game for the Atari 2600 I couldn't finish because the scanline kept quivering. I took another stab at it today and couldn't fix it. So will there be a sequel? I don't know. Perhaps if I can think of another thing for Stupidman to do. I'll have to look back at all those old drawings I did as a kid and see if

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Hello, Wall.

I worked on my game a little. I noticed the walls were a little wonky, the collision detection wasn't quite correct if you bumped into them from the left or right. I tried and tried and finally gave up. But I was bored, so an hour later, I tried again. And after an hour or so of work, I think I got it right. Without Stupidman getting caught in them. As you can see, I also made them look different. I think this looks better than what I had: What do you think? I also mad

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

The life of a zamboni driver

New comic. Kevin is a zamboni driver. Bertha is his wife. They live in Cincinnati with their dog named Rex. I drew and colored this comic strip because I was bored. I'll probably make more. In case you don't find it funny, it isn't meant to be. It's just, well, odd. And if you do find it funny, good for you. I got this idea because I was looking at a pair of scissors and wondering why they're always in pairs and what is a scissor? I tried really hard to make my handwriting legibl

Spooky music

So I worked a little bit on Stupidman this morning. I went to sleep at about 1 p.m. and woke up at around 1 a.m. today. I made some spooky music for walking around the hideout. And I made a map of what I want the hideout layout to look like. One square represents a screen. I made it so no screen repeats itself. It's like a maze Stupidman has to go through. Even though there's already two smaller mazes Stupidman went through (the museum and the grocery store). The F represents where th

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Stupidman (NES)

It was about a year ago when I last worked on this. I forgot a lot of stuff about NES programming. I had to relearn most of it. But I got the intro to level 6 partly done. I thought it would be a shame if I didn't finish this game up since I only had a couple levels left to do, so I decided to pick this back up again. And I don't want to care about how people say if the game is crappy. At least it will be a FINISHED crappy game. So here's a breakdown of the Acts (I wanted to make this

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

4 banks

I put in the collision detection. It works just fine. I added some support for 2 more banks. If you press 1 on the title screen it goes to bank 1 and pressing 0 will send it to bank 0. But the game goes crazy if you do because those banks aren't in the game yet. When I make banks 0 and 1 and insert them into the game it should work then. I will change it from pressing 1 to pressing the multiply sign (because it looks like an x) and 0 can stay because it looks like an O. Since I put in the c

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Someone cut down the trees.

I did. I got rid of the trees in the main game to X Vs. O. The trees should have started small and get bigger. Since they were made of characters, I couldn't. So I took them out. This should make collision detection a lot easier. I'll begin work on that tomorrow. Since the missiles don't touch the character when one begins firing one, all I have to do is detect which missile actually does touch a character. I'd need extra code to figure out which character it hit, but I don't need to since

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

X vs. O - the main game

With the minigame completed, I thought I'd move on to the main game. After fiddling around with the grid lines with little success, I remembered I had attempted something similar before and it was better. So I put that code in the game. After realizing I couldn't have random numbers be generated with this, I thought up of that code I saw for a random number generator. So someone was kind enough to "translate" it into 8048 assembly and I put it in the game and now I can have random numbers!

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

X vs. O

I'm calling this minigame finished. This took a while to do. It's for the Odyssey² and it's part of a larger project that I need to think up of. I like this a lot better. Stuff I changed yesterday: got rid of the Cedar Games grid and replaced it with just text. changed it so instead of changing the grid color, it now displays who won or if it was a tie. Stuff I changed today. made it so the main game will start with a fire press instead of pressing o

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

That explains it.

So I've finally figured out why I was having so much trouble trying to get four characters in the Pokemon Mini display. As it turns out, I've been told I can't with the method I'm using. So I'll have to stick with three colors, which is okay with me. I got the bird gray instead of black, which was something I wanted to do. So despite being stuck with three colors, I'm happy with the game's direction so far. What I'm trying to do is a Fast Food clone for the Pokemon Mini. So now that I

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

What I've been up to.

I've been attempting to put in a 4-color Pokemon Mini display. A few days ago, I made another minigame to my Virtual Boy minigame collection. I tried unsucessfully to try to change the Super Game Boy palette for the Game Boy. I found my letters I use to make my "26 Squares" puzzles and made another one of those. I went to the post office today to mail my Odyssey games I sold. So I guess I've been busy with all my various projects. I've been really sleepy lately and I don't know why. I got u

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Working on what I already have

I worked on the first two minigames I had and attempted to make them better. I made both games speed up until it reaches a fatest speed, and then it's about surviving as long as possible.   Next time I work on this, I will put in a new minigame. People are talking about the old Game and Watch game Fire and hearing how people like it, but I don't know if I could be able to program something like that. Also, the people were asking why is the soup marked at 99 cents. I don't know how muc

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Upmonster for Virtual Boy

Made the seventh game for Minigame Mayhem. It is a Doodle-Jump-type game called "Upmonster." I've decided that there will be six minigames starting out. If a player gets a high enough score on one of them, it will unlock another game. Each game will have an additional minigame to unlock, so there will be a total of twelve minigames.  

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Mouthing off (part 2)

Worked on Minigame Mayhem: Mouthing Off some more. Added some food for the mouth to get. But avoid the puple pickle, it is deadly. There is more stuff to add, like: game progression: game throws more purple pickles at you as you advance. game progression: food speeds up perhaps add another food or two to the game. I'd like to show a picture but apparently I can't upload pictures any more. I tried twice and it said "upload failed." Fine then, be that way. Went to

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Mouthing off

Work resumes on Minigame Mayhem. I am beginning work on a new game for it. It is like "Fast Food" for the Atari 2600. So I designed a mouth and put it in the game. But then I thought it was too small. So I made it bigger. The mouth has a four frame animation with two frames being the same (this one). It is able to be moved around in 8 directions. And, most importantly, it works on a real Virtual Boy. I could make a background image, but I don't know if it would be easy to s

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Three bees!

I thought one bee was too easy. So I added two more bees. The bees and the fly all move randomly around the screen. I also changed the game's name. People were thinking that I was going to make 54 minigames. So I changed it to "Minigame Mayhem." If you swat the fly, another one comes on the screen from one of the edges. The game ends if you touch a bee. Now after looking at this, I'm wondering if I should make the bees bigger. This is kind of what I was imagining with my Atari 26

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Virtual flyswatting

Today I worked on my VB game again. I put in pause functions in the games and began work on a fifth game about flyswatting. So now what I need to do is make the fly move and add a bee to avoid. I woke up at about 12:30pm. It's about 8:45pm and I am struggling to stay awake. I guess I don't really need to be awake, but it would be nice to be awake all day and sleep all night. Right now I go to sleep around midnight and wake up at about noon or 1 pm. I found Gogurt yogurt to b

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Virtual Boy

I resumed work on a Virtual Boy game I last worked on in 2016. It's a collection of mini games. I worked today on finishing one of them. I have a new minigame idea all lined up to begin work on the next time I work on this. In the game "Cranberry Capers," Craig the Cranberry must rescue his fellow fruit from evil monsters. Here, Craig is about to rescue two cherries. Other fruit include watermelon, strawberry, and tomato. While working on this, I accidentally made it so Craig mus

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

A rainy Sunday afternoon.

For the first time in a million years I can finally say that. Yesterday I worked on my GB game. I added the first things of the actual game: The history teacher. He can move around. He has a little animation for moving around. He's in color. All lovely things. I also got around to cataloging my PSX games. I thought I had Crash Racing but I can't find it anywhere. And also of note, I am going to update my apples crosswords site again starting October 1. You see, in 2019 I had a dr

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Messing around with Game Boy Color.

I have for testing my Game Boy creations a Game Boy Color, a Game Boy Pocket, a brick Game Boy (in case I need one), and Super Game Boy. I decided to mess around with Game Boy Color programming. I found a way to change the light gray color to yellow on GBC while still making it work on the GB pocket, with the lemon displaying as light gray. Now that I have this, I don't know what to do with it. Perhaps I could make a Fast Food type game with food coming in all directions. I'd like to

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Playstation games.

So I got a haircut. After I got my hair cut, I stopped by my local game store and walked out with three Plyaystation games, knowing full well I would need to find it when I came home. I also stopped at Subway and got a salad. One of the first things I was asked was "Do you want lettuce in your salad?" I'm wondering what would happen if I said "no." Isn't a salad just a bunch of lettuce with some other stuff thrown in? Well, on the car ride home I ate the salad. I usually didn't like salads, but

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings

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