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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. Also, I'm apparently flush with CIB Utopia games. Anyone need a copy?
  2. My boxed games for now. I really need to get some form of organizing done.
  3. It would be awesome to get my hands on this one as a prototype.
  4. At least for me it was very similar. I saw Legacy 5 times in the theaters. That's VERY excessive for me, but I freely admit my obsession with the franchise. The World of Tron was an ultimate escape for me as a kid growing up. I had countless scenarios in my head for this vast world I imagined.
  5. Dude, I actually need Checkers!
  6. Celebrate by watching the movies, the cartoon, and enjoying all the COOL games!
  7. Willie did an outstanding job hosting Junk Box V, so I'm going to do my very best to live up to those standards with: Here's how the Retro Junk Box works: What It Is: Rowsdower fills a large USPS Priority Mail Flate Rate Box full of retro-related items and sends it to another member. They take out what they want, fill it back up and send it to the next person. It keeps going until it returns to the original sender. History: Click Here For The Full History Who Can Participate: This is open to members in good standing who have reached Orange Status* (or successful traders with at least 50 posts here), have been a registered Atari I/O member for at least 90 days, live in the US and have been active in the forums or chats during the last month. (See your Avatar to see the fruits you have earned). * Orange Status is mysteriously rewarded between 100 & 150 posts. What is Required: Participants must send the box out within 3 days of getting it, pay for the postage to send it out ($18.75) and must post a photo or video of what they took out. (leave the rest as a mystery!) Items Taken Out MUST Be Replaced With Items Of Equal Or Greater Value: The Retro Junk Box celebrates the generous and friendly spirit of the forums! Those who participate will be expected to contribute to the spirit of the Retro Junk Box, and must replenish the box with items of an equal or greater value than what they chose to take out. Those who abuse the generosity of other participants will be denied the opportunity of participating again. Egregious violations will result in the offending member losing prize and event participation privileges, or worse, being removed from the site. Other Notes: Since it is free to do so with Priority Mail, I would insure the box for $50 to help pay to fill another one in the unlikely event that the USPS ever lost it. Please keep the box mostly (at least 51%) gaming related. Newer items are ok if they are retro related in some way. Please try to be fair in what you replace value wise and please no duplicate games on the same system. Please avoid putting in broken items/games if possible. Please use packing material to fill in nooks and crannies to prevent items from getting broken. (Plastic bags work well for this) Feel free to reuse and decorate the box! If you meet the requirements and agree to the terms, please let me know by responding to the thread along with what state you are located in so we can begin to order the list. DO NOT POST YOUR FULL ADDRESS HERE Also, if you need to be on a certain spot on the list, because you won't be available later, let us know (for instance, if you are going on a trip or work assignment). This is going to be a great time guys, so in addition to the regulars signing on....now would be a great time to get in your first Junk Box! My plan is to have this shipped out the week of August 15th, 2016, so please sign up by August 7th!
  8. As our Junk Box V starts wrapping up, be looking for the signup thread for Junk Box VI: Return of the Junk very soon!

    1. RickR


      Thumbs up.


  9. I will own the portable if it is at the same 40ish price tag, they can keep it at 70 bucks. I don't want a PSP to emulate with, and I dont own nor do I care to own an iOS or Andriod device. This is just what I'd want, especially if it has an SD card slot. I do own the AtGames sega, and I think its well worth the 30 I paid for it. More if I actually bothered to use the SD card!
  10. Ask about handhelds too, most common folks don't trigger those in their head if you say video games.
  11. I haven't been in a month myself, and this thread makes me miss it. Lack of funds + overwhelming heat has just kept me home.
  12. I have been doing HEAVY garage sales for over a year now. I have had some KILLER scores over the past year. That being said, here's what I have NEVER found in the wild: Atari anything. I found ONE Atari 7800 system once, and since then I've not seen so much as a loose cart or controller. For that matter, I have never found anything Intellivision or Colecovision related at all. Not a thing. Not once. I have never found any NES or SNES games at a garage sale. I have seen one person with an NES and Mike Tyson's Punchout, but they wanted $80 firm for it. I have found one NES front loader system (at the same sale I got the 7800) I have found a TI-994a once. Other than that I have never found a single classic computer system in any way, shape, or form. Here's what I do find a lot of: Gameboy systems and games, sometimes DS, even found a PSP and some games for it from time to time. Handheld game system and games are fairly common-ish. You'll likely find DS, GBA, and Gameboy stuff. Sometimes even Sega Game Gear. Speaking of Sega: I still find a pretty regular amount of Sega Genesis stuff for whatever reason. Still find systems sometimes, and a loose game here and there. Not sure why I find that more than Nintendo, but that is definitely the case. You'll find LOTS of Wii, XBox, Xbox360, PS2, and PS3 games. Lots of them. By far the most common. Not a bad thing for me, but I rarely keep anything out of those finds. I also tend to find lots of Guitar Hero controllers, Rock Band controllers, and odd driving controllers etc. You'll find lots of terrible PC games, but keep an eye out for the occasional big box PC games. Some of those fetch a nice price. All in all, I enjoy it. I get VERY little for my own collecting out of them, but I get lots of flea market/eBay fodder, and some nice trade goods. I also find lots of old board games, sometimes electronic games, etc. The hunt is fun. Your area might be totally different, and I find that some areas aren't as good as others. For example, very affluent neighborhoods are usually terrible. Multi-family garage sales are awesome. Church garage sales are very random, and I find very strange things there. Make a day of it, hit the thrift stores, etc. And let us know what you find!
  13. A BIG thank you to Ballblazer for finding some great prices in the wild, and passing them along to me. What a guy! I even got some cool fossil shark teefs!
  14. Very fine pricing, sir. A bargain.
  15. What are your SNES games? I can't quite read the labels and one label is gone.
  16. I heard there were some that didn't work as well as they would have liked with PC controllers, but its a very popular bundle. Speaking of bundles, today they added a new bundle...this time Sonic the Hedgehog! https://www.humblebundle.com/sonic-25th-anniversary-bundle
  17. Neo-Geo bundle on Humblebundle right now. Link in humblebundle thread.

  18. https://www.humblebundle.com/neo-geo-encore Wow, that's a lot of awesome for a buck!
  19. Here's a little Goodwill find today. Didn't even know they made Pitfall for Wii. Its available for trade, by the way!
  20. Great trades guys! Thanks a ton! Top was my trade with Malak who can appreciate the best action duo from Canada, and below my trade from RickR, who FIRMLY feels America Rides on Monroe.
  21. Watched the one hour first episode of Voltron on Netflix. I'm VERY pleased with it. Campy and fun!

  22. Nabbed these 3 for just under 10 bucks at Goodwill. Board Game Collection is still sealed!
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