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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. Yep, that was the only one announced. I think its finally on DVD though.
  2. Sweet find! I'm hoping it will fix up for you!
  3. Just want to thank Atari.IO admin and members for being a great community! Thanks for taking the steps to keep this from becoming a toxic wasteland.

    1. The Professor

      The Professor

      It's not always easy, but it's our prime directive! Thank YOU Rowsdower and our amazing Members for finding your way to our little outpost and making this community what it is. Much more to come in the future!

    2. Justin


      Thank you Rowsdower!!

  4. It has been a long time since I've hit Garage Sales. I have a handful this morning to go to. :)

    1. RickR


      How did it go?


    2. Rowsdower70


      Nada! Not a gaming item to be found unless you count a Hoyle Windows 95 card game collection.

  5. Just scored a CIB copy of Worm Whomper! *happy dance*

  6. I'll try to scatter them out for a better picture soon!
  7. Picked up the Twin Galaxies full Intellivision set from Walter. He threw in a nice batch of extras!
  8. I saw quite a few at the Arcade Expo swap meet!
  9. I've never even heard of that game! Was it a late release?
  10. I was hoping someone could put that Casio TV to good use. It does have an AV in Nice junk, RickR!
  11. That really stinks about the Visa, hopefully you'll find some goodies you like!
  12. I too find the Gameboy Advance SP the best on the go gaming device. Besides that, I have to have my laptop, and the Mrs has to have her smartphone. The laptop does all my surfing, streaming, and musical needs. I rarely fly or anything, so I still listen to CDs when I travel.
  13. Yeah, $2 bucks all day long for any controller here. Even the common ps2 controller.
  14. Talked to ArenaFoot, thankfully his house did not flood, but he's without internet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Professor
    3. nosweargamer


      Yay! He's ok! (As ok as you can be without the net, lol)

    4. greenween


      Good to hear, thanks Rows.

  15. A box of commons I snagged from Goodwill at a reasonable price It also had this for my M-Network collection!
  16. Don't miss this if you haven't seen it. Watch it again if you have! Doh! Misspelled the title and can't edit. My shame will stand.
  17. Mmmm, lots of tasty prog in your list. I've been on a King Crimson kick lately (Lizard specifically). Yes is, of course, amazing. ELP is nice too. I'm a huge Peter Gabriel fan, so I do like early Genesis. And holy crap..Focus! Here's one you might like:
  18. A delivery from NoSwearManor you say? Don't mind if I do! Some great 7800 arcade ports.
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