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Former pride and joy items now OBSOLETE!

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The sad thing about improvements in technology is when you look back and see all the time and expense you've spent on items you now NEVER USE.  Remember the SuperCart, the Disk Manager 2000 cartridge, the Extended BASIC 2.7s?  Now everything fits on one relatively inexpensive cartridge, and my closet had become a graveyard for TI stuff.



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You know, back in the day I used to run 4A/DOS on the old "SuperCart", but that cart is basically obsolete too.  Later I was able to get an AUTO-BOOTING cartridge with 4A/DOS on board that totally bypassed the TI opening screen.  Later I tried "Force Command", on the FinalGROM, but I keep coming back to the older cartridge with 4A/DOS burned into it.  Something can be said for simple that works!


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