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Randomazer - new ATARI STe game!

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Hi! After a long time I am finally back!

I realized that I never officially introduced my new game Randomazer here!


If you have not played it, get your marbles rolling! Brand new ATARI STe game – No port! No remake! A crazy action puzzler that is different every time you play it!

With graphics by Sébastien Larnac “STS” and Music by xFalcon!

And its ATARI STe/Falcon exclusive!


Boxed Version here: https://www.bitmapsoft.co.uk/product/randomazer/

Download here: https://www.hd-videofilm.com/randomazer


If you have not seen it, check out this review by “the Joy of Sticks” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emIeD9HH0B4


And if you get frustrated with stubborn marbles check out the “Advanced Marbletactics” Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJsMA8QdKQc

Or this full playthrough of all 50 Levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHuJ16Jdu-0

Randomazer Out Now 2.jpg


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I have an update for Randomazer ready to download! V1.01

But it not only comes with 10 more levels, new graphics and new music!

I also created a Windows 10 standalone version.
This combines the HATARI emulator with EmuTOS into a preconfigured package. So it behaves almost like a native Windows game. No ATARI ST or emulation knowledge needed.

This might be interesting for anybody who is interested in ST gaming (or at least Randomazer) but has no knowledge how to properly set up an ST emulator.

Try it out! Have fun!




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