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*** NEW GAME BY TMOP: NUTS (AKA Fox & Goat) - TI99 port from Atari VCS 2600 ***


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Due to recent celebrations of the 50 years anniversary of Atari, I have discovered some interesting games for the VCS 2600, so I've decided to do some ports for the TI99. 🙂 

The first game is NUTS (AKA Fox & Goat) from TechnoVision. It was released in 1983 in a 8K cart. It seems that there is also an hacked version, called Fox & Goat.

I've tried to create a version that looks and feels like a real conversion of the game done in 80s.

You can dowload and play it right now (please, read first the Read_Me_First!.pdf file). For MAME, just rename "[GAME] Nuts V1.1 (AKA Fox&Goat) (2023)(TMOP)_[Requires 32K].rpk.bin" to "[GAME] Nuts V1.1 (AKA Fox&Goat) (2023)(TMOP)_[Requires 32K].rpk" (Why I cannot attach a .zip file???).

Some physical SSS carts should still be available at arcadeshopper (Nuts SSS Cart). These is the "Collector's Edition", with cart labels, manual and a special version of the game. This special version will have, in addition, a different color schema (similarly to the hacked version) and the ability to add the typical graphical glitches of Atari 2600 games (the black lines at the left of the screen). Of course, this effect looks better if using a CRT screen. 😉 

Have fun! 






Nuts_(AKA Fox&Goat)_Instructions.pdf [GAME] Nuts V1.1 (AKA Fox&Goat) (2023)(TMOP)_[Requires 32K]_8.bin [GAME] Nuts V1.1 (AKA Fox&Goat) (2023)(TMOP)_[Requires 32K].rpk.bin Read_Me_First!.pdf

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