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FS: MOON LANDER 1997 by Clay Cowgill CIB 1999 Publication - VECTREX Kousokusen 光速船

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Author Clay Cowgill
Game Creation: Year 1997
Game Publisher: Mark's Vectrex Carts, Mark Shaker
Publication Production release year: Jan 23 1999.
Platform: Vectrex / Kousokusen / 光速船

"MOON LANDER is a reimagined version of the classic 1979 Atari "LUNAR LANDER" arcade vector game. Being Atari's first vector graphics title of course the there is a Vectrex version! But with more game play features, level, and opponents.

First 32K Vectrex cart. (At the time of creation. Eclipsed by other titles while waiting to be released.)
First high-quality digitized audio playback on Vectrex.
First Vectrex game with intro and "cut" scenes.
Interesting Attract Mode with voice, action and unique credits.
Game pause screen with level information.
Easter Eggs to be discovered.

The initial game coding resulted in a playable version back in 1997. But the release version probably didn't happen until close to when Mark Shaker published the boxed MOON LANDER in 1999.

Game Design and Programming by Clay Cowgill.
Game Design and Programming by Chris Salomon (aka "Malban").
Cartridge Manufacturing and Publishing by Mark Shaker.
PC Board Design by Richard Hutchinson.
Vectrex Cartridge Case Design by John Dondzila

This particular Boxed MOON LANDER is the second Vectrex game published by Mark Shaker. Sold via "Mark's Vectrex Game Cartridge Manufacturing". Also known as "Mark's Vectrex Carts". And later on his "vectrexcarts.com" site. Publication release on Jan 23 1999.

Released nearly 30 years after the first Apollo Moon landing!

From the MOON LANDER's game instructions:
"Outer Space is a dangerous place!

To get home you must "hop" from moon to moon. Each landing will bring you 1 step closer to home.

You must make 32 landings to make it home alive.

You star with 3 ships / And additional ship will be awarded after every 5 successful landings.

Each moon has different terrain, gravity, and wind.

There is a fuel limit on every landing.

You can land only on designated landing pad. Each landing pad is marked with it's fuel bonus multiplier.

Oh yeah, did I mention the satellites and killer satellites?

Good Luck and God Speed!"

Complete in box.
Like New In Box.

Comes with
• MOON LANDER Game Cartridge.
• Game Instructions.
• Clamshell Game Box.
• Clamshell game box includes Cover Art insert.
• Cartridge shell comes with MOON LANDER cartridge label.
• Board housed in early custom cartridge shell design by John Dondzila. Intellicart cartridge shell, modified Intellivision cart.

The Intellicart shell housing was used before access to Sean Kelly's reproduction Vectrex cartridge shell was available. At the time the relative scarcity of the OEM Vectrex cartridge shell was low compared to the plentiful OEM Intellivision cartridge. This prompted John to use the Intellivision cart shell modified to hold a Vectrex game printed circuit board for use in his Vectrex game production. Mark Shaker also used the same design for his first game Vectrex publications including Clay Cowgill's MOON LANDER.

Included in this listing as shown in pictures:
• MOON LANDER 1997 by Clay Cowgill, Published in 1999 by Mark Shaker. Like New, Complete In Box (CIB).

Price: $180.00 Or Best Offer (OBO)

This item is listed on other sites.
Message your Offer to avoid missing out on this classic Vectrex game!

This Vectrex item is compatible with, and for play in, all regions of the Vectrex video game system by Milton Bradley (MB), General Consumer Electronics (GCE), and Bandai バンダイ (光速船 / Kousokusen). Vectrex games, Controllers, 3D Imagers, and other accessories are not region specific to a particular Vectrex console. The manual language printing (Canada dual / Europe multi / Japan), box printing (Canada dual / Europe multi / Japan), and overlay printing (Japan) are the only differences.

The Vectrex is a classic 1982 vector graphics based video game system created by Smith Engineering and General Consumer Electronics (GCE). Later purchased and marketed by Milton Bradley (MB) as well as licensed for distribution and sale in Japan by Bandai. Made in 1982, 1983, and 1984.

#moon #lander #moon #lander #Clay #Cowgill #Vectrex #光速船 #Kousokusen #lunar #lunarlander


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