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Video 61

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Everything posted by Video 61

  1. hi everyone, a great poster reminded me in another thread about one on one basketball version on the 7800, vs. the XEGS, both versions are good, but the XE version looks like a apple port to me, still fun, but lacks color and a good back round. but the 7800 version looks to be a complete rewrite as the poster suggested, very colorful, great back rounds, fun to play. i am also going to include the atari 2600 version of basketball, it really is the basis in my opinion for one on one basketball. the 7800 version, XEGS version, thanks, lance www.atarisales.com
  2. hi the claw1982, thank you very much!!!! lance www.atarisales.com
  3. hi justin, yep, its like using two fishing poles with different bait. you might hook one fish, if you are lucky, you hook two fish. lance www.atarisales.com
  4. hi trekmd, yes, you would have thought atari would know that. its even just sinking in for me also, i should have know better. lance www.atarisales.com
  5. hi trekmd, if you own the 5200 one, you own the 8-bit one. so that's exactly my point. if they are made a bit different for each platform showing off capabilities, i want it. if its a straight port like the 5200 version, then its something that perhaps someday i may want it. but i have one already on my 8-bit. lance www.atarisales.com
  6. hi rickr, bingo, now that is what i am talking about. its worth collecting if its different. if its nothing more than a straight port with little or no changes, then as a player/collector, its not so urgent to get one. lance www.atarisales.com
  7. hi, its quite the incredible machine isn't it! lance www.atarisales.com
  8. hi, yep, they messed up. but my group plans on rectifying that:) lance www.atarisales.com
  9. hi rickr, true, a few were different, but not enough to make some 8-bit/2600 guys buy one. but the 7800, there was some great differences for sure. lance www.atarisales.com
  10. hi justin, dark chambers rocks!!! yea, the 5200 was sure a waste. but we are making sure its used wisely now! lance www.atarisales.com
  11. hi justin, yea i can understand having a few. i loved military madness on the turbographic. its really the only game i miss from other platforms, and my son hooked up his turbo, so i can play it at his house:) lance www.atarisales.com
  12. hi everyone, atari screwed up when they did not make the ports of 400/800 games a tad bit different on the 5200 than the 8-bit versions. just look at mario bros. for the 2600, 5200, 7800 and XEGM, what a difference all four are. they are a must to own if you are a true collector. lance www.atarisales.com
  13. hi steve, agreed! lance www.atarisales.com
  14. hi rickr, the c-64 had a lot of games. but the atari's were almost always better to play, and yes, the c-64 drive was a relic compared to a 1050. plus atari had a huge edge wise with their cart port compared to the c-64. what i like is comparing the same game on different systems. it makes collecting even funner! lance www.atarisales.com
  15. hi, yes atari really screwed up on the 5200. and they should have tweaked the games a bit to be different than the 8-bit versions. its why the 7800 was a hit, the games were different from the 8-bit and 5200 versions. lance www.atarisales.com
  16. hi, rickr, that is the one that changed my perception of gaming. after space invaders, i had a hard time playing the early games, they seemed to easy and lacked the visuals and the experience of space invaders, which opened up my mind to use my imagination, asteroids really did that trick for me also, then pitfall, crystal castles were all ground breaking for me. getaway on the 8-bit was a real imagination creator, food fight on the 7800 was like a 3 stooges movie to me. of course the pacmans on all atari systems. mouse trap on the 2600 is a killer. video pinball on the 2600 for its time, was a killer. lance www.atarisales.com
  17. hi every one, i used to collect a lot in the gaming world. but settled strictly on atari by the late 1980's, early 1990's when i figured out room wise, i was going to be in trouble. so i still love getting something atari related that i do not have. but one thing that really excites me is when i am able to collect every version of a game that was released on various atari platforms, like dark chamber, it came out on the 2600, 7800, and the XEGS. i recenetly was posting comparisons between 7800 games and the XEGS, showing the differences in the games. one thing that turned me off about collecting 5200 games was that many of them were simply a port of a 400/800 game. many you could not tell the difference between machines, except the shape of the cartridge. what i like about collecting games for the different atari platforms is to see how different each released game is compared to the same game on other atari platforms. lance www.atarisales.com
  18. hi scott, thanks for the pic, john was the best. lance www.atarisales.com
  19. hi michael, its a button, or the mylar or both. you take it apart, use a eraser on the mylar where the fire buttons rest on, and try to scuff up the fire buttons a bit, reaseamble, then give it a try. you will see atari used 5200 technology on the lynx, you will be happy 🙂 lance www.atarisales.com
  20. hi Every one, we are pleased to announce Putt18 for the Atari 7800 pro system. the game will be $39.95. when inquiring about the game, please state the country you live in for shipping purposes. we are only taking orders via our e-mail address, video61@atarisales.com video61atarisales@gmail.com and paypal payment only, Putt18 is not listed on our web site yet, a web page for Putt18 is coming. but the game is ready for sale now. thanks, lance www.atarisales.com
  21. yes, thanks. he had to navigate jack, no easy thing to do. lance www.atarisales.com
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