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Taking a TI-99/4A computer with you on vacation...

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Does the idea of taking your TI-99/4A on vacation with you sound strange or bizarre?  Well, as summer gets closer, let me tell you a true story from a few years back...

I booked a suite for a few days at an upscale hotel, but when I got there, the local Thai Fusion restaurant was closed due to COVID, the Japanese restaurant that also did Korean food was also closed due to COVID... the restaurant in the hotel was even closed due to COVID.  I ended up eating microwaved food out of a box from the local Dollar General.  To make matters worse the bloody fog never lifted the whole time I was there.  So, if it were not for my TI, my vacation would have been a total bust.  So, my advice, get your portable setup packed up, because you never know when you'll "need it".




This was the portable system I used on my vacation a few years ago.   Sadly the hotels WiFI Internet sucked, so I hotspotted my phone to my Tipi and all was good.

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