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Posts posted by Melllvar

  1. I'm flashbackmatt on AtariAge. I think I sold you Pac-Mac Collection for the 7800, and a couple of other things.

    My electronics repair success rate is not great. I tried to resurrect a XEGS, failed, and gave that away. The light sixer just needed some solder reflowed, and I need to fix the difficulty switches next.

    My biggest success was putting this together without burning or shorting anything http://www.morserino.info/ I got rid of most of my ham radio gear, but kept that in case I ever get around to learning Morse Code.

    It does go by way too fast. I take lot of photos, and my wife takes more videos. Now the kids want to take photos with the phones, and occasionally with the TLR or my mirrorless cameras.

  2. 1 minute ago, RickR said:

    Welcome!  I gave up golf when I started a family.  It's now 25+ years later, and I still haven't golfed.  So you're way ahead of me in keeping that light sixer.


    Hi RickR! I think I actually sold a few things to you!

    My other big hobby, photography, works with a family. These days it's much more on my phone than with "real" cameras. I was able to actually get back into film and do my own developing and printing, for a little while, at least.

    I did amateur radio for a while, and little bit of electronics tinkering. The latter helps me keep my light sixer going.

  3. 3 hours ago, socrates63 said:

    Welcome! I'm in the opposite corner of the country in the suburb of Seattle.

    Atari 8-bit emu for the Mac? Maybe I should take a look into this. Might be faster than me trying to set up my 800XL.

    OpenEMU http://openemu.org/ is a front-end for Mac for several emulators, it uses Atari800 as a core but only for 5200.

    A good way to use Atari800 on mac for the actual computers is this http://www.atarimac.com/atari800macx.php

  4. Hello atari.io,

    Checking in from Central Florida. I've been playing Atari 2600 games for about 7 years. I built up a decent collection of 2600, 7800, and 8-bit hardware and games, but sold most of it when I stared a family. I still have a light sixer with a Harmony cartridge, though. Most of the time I play using Stella or Ataru800 through OpenEmu on my Mac. My favorite games are Kaboom for the 2600 and River Raid for the 800.

    One of these years I may finally get around to writing a 2600 game.

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