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MaliciousCarp last won the day on October 24 2020

MaliciousCarp had the most liked content!

1 Follower

What's Up?

  • Current City
    Twin Cities
  • Interests
    Arcade style games, Monster Movies, Classic Horror Movies, SciFi, Board Games
  • First Console
    Atari 2600
  • Coolest Item In Your Collection
    Ghosts 'n Goblins Arcade
  • Favorite Arcade to Visit
    Up Down Minneapolis
  • Favorite Arcade Game
    Moon Patrol
  • Favorite Board Game
    Skull (Card game)
  • Favorite Movie
    Kong Skull Island
  • Favorite TV Show
  • What I got at Toys Я Us
    Sega Genesis Games
  • Podcast I Recommend
    In Research Of
  • YouTube Channel I Like
    Atari Creep
  • Quick, tell us a joke!
    Dr Frankenstein got back to the lab only to find out that he only had one hand for his monster. Fortunately for him, there was a second hand store nearby.

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  1. So I wanted to talk about how much I enjoyed The Tomorrow war. It was published by Amazon for Prime video, but it has that 90's summer blockbuster feel from start to end. When I was watching it, it reminded me of how I felt when watching ID4 for the first time back when it was released. It has a cheesy Sci-Fi plot with great special effects and was one of the most enjoyable new popcorn flicks that I have seen in years. If you are looking for something to watch while staying inside your air conditioning to beat the heat- I recommend that you suspend your disbelief, ignore the many plot holes, and enjoy a fun retro-style summer blockbuster.
  2. Can I mention Andre From Pagefire on a technicality? Most of his stuff is in English, but he is Norwegian. He does a lot of songs in different genres of rock and metal and they usually end up being great examples of that genre... even though they are from a video mostly making fun of said genre. Also, I'm not sure if I need to mention bands like Rammstein or Entombed here... pretty sure most metal fans already have opinions of them, but they are the bands that got me into metal in the first place.
  3. this is a hard one. I haven't had a lot of time to play, but my high so far is just 4,600
  4. Wow! That addresses my biggest complaint with the Atari 2600 version - The rooms get filled in after you are finished with them. I might have to check it out at some point... I hope that you can turn the music off though!
  5. wow - I love the intellivision port of Venture, but I have hardly played the atari 2600 one. This should be fun!
  6. I have gotten 3rd a few times... but I usually place 4th. I have not even been close to 2nd or 1st yet.
  7. wow, this one is hard! I finally got a slight improvement 42,590
  8. Recently one of my Coworkers found this when cleaning out his Grandfather's house. He knew that I collected Commodore stuff - so he grabbed it for me. I am so excited to own one again (I had one back in the day, but we got rid of it when we upgraded to a 128 since it doesn't fit that machine's form factor)
  9. wow - I finally find some time to come back to Atari.io - and it is just in time for the Pole Position Grand Prix??? AWESOME!
  10. I hardly had time to play this one... 43,807 on my Arcade 1up clickey-spinner
  11. Congratulations @socrates63! That is an amazing score!
  12. Thats' awesome! I did the letterbomb mod on my regular wii because the optical drive went kaput, but I have not modded my WiiU yet. I am very interested to see the DSi mod if/when you do it - I have not modded any of my DS consoles, but I would love to get my 3DS "unlocked". I have been kind of chicken to do it because I actually have a lot of digital games from the 3ds store that I don't want to risk losing.
  13. I love the c64! I have a c128 (which is the big brother, but fully backwards compatible) My favorite games on the computer are (well, besides the ones that RickR mentioned): Jumpman (and Jumpman Jr.) Space Taxi Bruce Lee River Raid (The c64 version blows the Atari 2600 version out of the water(... see what I did there??)) The hobbit (Text adventure! Seriously, I'll wait... (Time passes)) Those should give you a good idea of what the c64 classic library is like There are also some great new games to check out (usually available on itch.io) Neutron (and Santron, which is neutron with an xmas theme) Galencia (amazing Galaga clone) Zeta Wing (another vertical scrolling shooter)
  14. These are simply awesome! @socrates63, thanks for letting us know about them!
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