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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Time for some coffee!

    1. Rowsdower70


      I had to grab a cuppa after the flea market. I was almost falling asleep out there today!

    2. RickR


      The best part of waking up

      is Folgers in your cup.

  2. Happy Finale Friday! Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Sega Master System)
  3. So glad it wasn't my fault!

  4. Name This Game Atari 2600 Difficulty: Game 1, Difficulty B High Score: 15,360 January 4th, 2016
  5. Between the SMS, NES and 7800 version, I think the SMS version is by far the best (especially if you use the continue cheat), although Kev's update does a good job adding a new coat of paint to 7800 versions. He didn't mess with the gameplay, so the game still suffers from having to spam moves to win.
  6. The General Public hates add-on when it comes to game systems. They want simple and don't see the need to pay more to play games on system they already spent a lot of money on and already has a bunch of games available that doesn't need an add on. From the Sega 32x to the NES Aladdin Deck Enhancer, they just don't succeed in the long run. And publishers want to target as big as an audience possible, so the go with the main system more times than not. Even the Sega CD, which was one of the most successful add-ons, failed to reach 10% of the user base of the Sega Genesis. And remember when Nintendo made the Expansion Pak for the N64? The basically gave them away with copies of DK64 and some systems to get users to adopt them. And even then, most N64 games did not take advantage of it. The gamer geek in me really likes add-ons, but for practical economics it seems to always fail in gaming.
  7. Got some great stuff from Storm Surge, Rows and Willie!!!!
  8. Some recent pickups including trades from 2 members and a surprise gift!

    1. RickR


      Wow! Neat stuff!

  9. Crossbow Atari 7800 Difficulty: Default High Score: 833,500 January 5th, 2016
  10. Comparing the original Atari 7800 version of Rampage with a graphically enhanced version by KevinMos3
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