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POP QUIZ -- 9/10/2014

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Answer the following questions in full. The first to do so correctly will win a prize! Please submit your answers below:



1.) : What epic Atari game has you crawling the rim of an electric tube, blasting spikes and enemies as they make their way towards you?



2.) : This Programmer was responsible for writing Secret Quest. 



3.) : Secret Quest is most notable for being one of the few 2600 games to use what feature? (The first to do so was Starpath's Survival Island)






The first person to post all correct answers wins the prize! Only answers submitted on this page are eligible to win. Please be reasonably specific with your answers. The winner will be announced Thursday, September 11th at 12:00 noon, PST!


Let's take a closer look at today's prize, SECRET QUEST for the Atari 2600:




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CONGRATULATIONS, jbuschman!! Your quick response with the correct answers has won the Prize!


If you didn't win this time, there will be other chances to win more prizes soon! We've been doing these giveaways for the past few weeks and there will be one next week too. If you keep an eye out, there will be a BIG giveaway on Wednesday, October 29th as we'll be celebrating Halloween with 4 rounds of an Atari trivia event in our live chat where we'll be giving away a special prize: a refurbished Vader Atari 2600 system (black as midnight on a moonless night), a brand new Joystick, Ms. Pac-Man (for chasing ghosts) and Haunted House!



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icrra - polite suggestion taken! The reason we've been doing the Pop Quiz this way is to avoid ambiguity. I.E. you're either the 9th caller into the radio station or you're not. We did this because we want to be transparent and fair to everybody, and give everybody a chance to win! But giving as many people a chance to win as possible means mixing it up a bit. We have the high score contests which have awarded some pretty cool prizes for high scores. We also have a "Live Chat Atari Trivia Night" coming up on October 29th.


But, you're right, there need to be better ways to mix things up with the Pop Quiz and give everyone a chance to win. I just want you to know we take your comments to heart, and we're on it. It's just a challenge when there are real prizes and want to keep things super transparent. 


- DS

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