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atarifan95 last won the day on July 7 2020

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About atarifan95

  • Birthday 02/25/1997

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  • Interests
    Gaming, the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, Tolkien's The Hobbit, Grimms' Fairy Tales, Spider-Man, Willy Wonka, Annie (the musical), and the Bible.
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  • Favorite Arcade Game
    Donkey Kong
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  • Favorite TV Show
    Thomas the Tank Engine (first two seasons only)
  • Favorite Comic Book Hero
  • What I got at Toys Я Us
    Fisher-Price See 'n Say Toy
  • Quick, tell us a joke!
    Q: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

    A: He didn't have the guts!

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  1. That moment when you're binge-watching the first two seasons of "Thomas the Tank Engine," and you realize you're watching a show aimed at you children. And yet, I still can't stop watching it, 'cause it's so good. At least the first two seasons.

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    2. atarifan95


      Haha. I remember that Thomas theme song. I was actually lucky (being born in 1997) to actually have some VHS tapes of episodes from the first two seasons (which were from the eighties), as well as renting episodes from the first two seasons from the library. Although I saw the newer episodes on TV all the time as a kid, I don't remember the plots of them at all, because they just weren't as good. No one beats Ringo Starr as the narrator, and nothing beats the original theme song from...

    3. atarifan95


      ...the first few seasons. And of course the combination of animatronics and stop-motion beats the modern CGI episodes any day (not that there's anything wrong with CGI of course).

    4. atarifan95


      Though of course this is all just my opinion, as I know a lot of people that enjoy every Thomas episode ever made, and I don't really see why they can't enjoy them, as the newer episodes aren't bad by any means.

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