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GRay Defender

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Everything posted by GRay Defender

  1. Here I quickly cover a few of the "smaller" Internet forums out there...
  2. Let's examine the new book and programs for the C64 by Jens Thomsen:
  3. Sort of expected that but too bad I was planning on attending this year...
  4. THEC64 User Manual, quick book review:
  5. Creating Commodore 64 Border Effects part 2, programming exercise:
  6. My "The C64 Micro Computer" review
  7. My review of the Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion Volume 3
  8. Let's take a walk down memory lane back to February, 1987
  9. Atari 2600 Galagon Review by Champ Games:
  10. Received my copy yesterday (BW paperback). Really nicely done. Love the cover, and I look forward to digging into it.
  11. The re-release of the Atari 2600 Encyclopedia Volume 1 by Derek Slaton...
  12. Todays tutorial covers the various Commodore 64 character modes using BASIC...
  13. C64 Wireless Gaming with C64JPX Interface and 8bitdo controller:
  14. My entex Jackpot Black Jack and Gin Rummy toy Review
  15. My thoughts on the Intellivision Amico:
  16. Commodore 64 Chopper Command has arrived!! My Mini-review:
  17. Pretty sweet. Did I count more than a dozen gameboys, a vectrex, all kinds of nintendo goodies. Let's not forget the zelda blanket... I wish I were this organized...
  18. Some recent C64 games that may have flown under the radar:
  19. Nice Bruce Lee shirt. Looks like he's jumping right out from within you...
  20. Thank you. It really is a great product, well worth it and helps to support the developers that are still coding for the Intellivision. With this product they can make the ROM work just for your cartridge to try to stem the tide of piracy and protect their IP.
  21. Time to update those Intellivison LTO Flash! carts!
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