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socrates63 last won the day on May 9

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About socrates63

  • Birthday June 3

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    Seattle suburb (Bothell)
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    Atari VCS
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    Pitfall! and Keystone Kapers signed by David Crane and Garry Kitchen, respectively
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    Robotron 2084
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    Star Wars - New Hope
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    Leave It to Beaver
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    VCS, 800, Vectrex and games for them
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  1. I got laid off today, the first time in my career. When AT&T merged a bunch of companies (HBO, Turner, etc.) under the former Time Warner corp umbrella into a single entity WarnerMedia, we knew the new company would look to consolidate. It was a bit of a surprise given where I was situated organizationally, but a bunch of us were given pink slips. Because I got rolled up in a broad organizational move, it’s easy not to take this personally, so I’m glad for that. I had seen some friends struggle emotionally before. 

    My wife recently got a new job, and she’s still within the new employee benefits enrollment window, so at least I don’t have to worry about getting a new job quickly for health insurance reasons. For the first time, I won’t be the primary coverage member 🙂 Lots of new firsts.

    Before folks feel too sorry for me, I am in a good position. First, I am grateful for an extremely stable career experience so far. I’ve experienced my share of company re-org and changes and always landed into a great place. The fact that this is my first involuntary job change is quite the feat in a 23 year career. Second, I’m also grateful that we will be given a nice severance package to ease the transition into the next gig. Third, I’m in an industry that is very robust and still hiring. And lastly and most importantly, God is good, and He is the Shepherd of my life. In Him, I find peace and rest.

    I share this news here because I like the I/O community and wanted to open up more on a personal level to foster better relationships. Also, I’ll have more time to spend on the monthly challenge, so you have been warned 🕹🕹🤣🤣

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    2. socrates63


      @Marco1019 I was only at HBO 3 years and 9 months (I was at Microsoft for 15 and Amazon for nearly 5). Looks like they gave everyone a six-month severance pay. I feel bad for the contractors as I doubt the company gave them any kind of severance pay.

      You're right. It does feel a little weird, but with the severance package and a working wife who can provide health insurance, I'm thankful for the luxury of being able to feel relieved and relaxed during this ordeal. My last day is end of next week. For the next couple of weeks, I'll probably not do much other than assembling a new smoker I got a few weeks ago, assembling a new motorized standing desk (courtesy of WarnerMedia) like the one I used in the office, and playing some games.

      @DegasElite thank you.

    3. Marco1019


      @socrates63 I was last laid off in March 2014. A good friend of mine pointed out that unemployment is one of the few times (if only time) when we can truly relax. Since your first project involves food, you'll be able to enjoy this time even more lol.

    4. RickR


      They're letting you keep that desk?  SWEET.  Bonus severance!  Enjoy. 

      Did you get a pellet grill (smoker)?  Because I got one of those this summer and LOVE it.

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