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Posts posted by intellicolecovisonary

  1. AliExpress doesn't but they are out there. The least expensive I could find is $110 is on eBay and it's available as we speak but doesn't use an SD card, you have to load ROMs to the Eprom. https://www.ebay.com/itm/185171634019?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28. StoneAgeGamer usually has SD card Everdrives  for $178 + shipping but I believe that they are out of stock at the moment. There are a few European sites that have them on and off as well for ~$200.

  2. Well I've experimented and compared features of my $27 AliExpress Everdive and the $95 Krikzz with an overall cost of 71.5% more and I can find no obvious advantages in the expensive Krikzz. If the advantage might be build quality (reliability and longevity), I can buy 3 of the AliExpress Everdrives for the cost of 1 Krikzz. Every item I've ever purchased from AliExpress has worked so I'll take a chances. Mr. Spock says "If you choose a Krikzz, your logic is seriously flawed"


  3. It is beyond me as to why the Intellivision Amico generates so much division and conflict. It seems like a gaming culture civil war. And why all the hate for Tommy? Personally, I could never hate Tommy. Do they hate the Electric Playground and Victor Lucas too? A worldwide pandemic might have a little to do with the Amico delays and the misdirected anger of the haters. The drama surrounding the Amico is not going to help sales as it's apparent people are deciding against the Amico before it really gets a chance which could doom it..

  4. A professional agency that restores video game boxes, cartridges, and artwork would be a niche market to say the least. If you've ever attempted restoration yourself you know the results can sometimes be less than desired. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. I can just imagion how finnicky the demographic for such a service would be and then their's the question of does restoration add market value to the restored game. I would be surprised if it did much or at all. More times than not, restoration lowers the value of collectables. 

  5. 2 hours ago, - Ω - said:

    Afraid not, that is another movie I've never gotten around to watching.  I had plans on watching Top Gun II, but it keeps being "put back".  I was supposed to watch it with a friend in 2020, then 2021 and now sometime in 2022.  She's betting the third time is the charm.  I've not waited this long for something since Duke Nukem Forever.

    As an American, it is your God given right to watch any movie you wish at any time, alone even, without shame!

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