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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Here I am opening up an old pack of Leaf baseball cards from 1988.
  2. It's time for another Patreon Pick. Ep 528: WWF WrestleMania The Arcade Game - Sega 32X
  3. Here's my review of the color screen version of the Basic Fun Pac-Man mini arcade.
  4. EA Sports: It's in the game!Ep 527: Madden NFL 94
  5. Got some duplicate games for the 2600 I'm getting ready to part with. For sale or trade, prices vary, contact me if interested. (crystal castles not available, sorry)
  6. Guess what? Today is the 40th anniversary of The Dukes of Hazzard! So how about a thread about Cooter's Place? Last spring I visited Cooter's Place in Nashville, TN. It is a Dukes of Hazzard museum and souvenir shop owned by Ben Jones, who played Cooter in the series. There are also locations in VA and other parts of TN as well, and it's not uncommon for them to have former Dukes stars come to sign autographs. Here's a photo tour of my visit:
  7. BTW, be sure to make a thread to share your YouTube videos here: https://forums.atari.io/forum/46-youtube-community/
  8. I don't know if you heard me mention it in my review, but they also have versions for Missile Command and Asteroids. Last I checked on Amazon, the Adventure one was $10, and the other two were a little less than that.
  9. Here's a look at my Adventure Notebook!
  10. Here's my review of the recently released Dig Dug Mini Arcade by Basic Fun.
  11. Here's my review of the recently released Dig Dug Mini Arcade by Basic Fun.
  12. Taking a look at another plug n play that was released late last year.Ep 526: Midway Classic Arcade Classics Vol 1
  13. Here's my review of the new Galaga mini arcade by Basic Fun.
  14. Looking at the another recent plug n play by MSI.Ep 525: WWE Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge
  15. Reviewing the Asteroids mini arcade by Basic Fun.
  16. Is there any differences between the Japanese and US duos beyond cosmetic stuff?
  17. Taking a look at another plug n play that was released late last year. Ep 526: Midway Classic Arcade Classics Vol 1
  18. It's one thing to have a delayed sequel when the main characters were already adults in the original. I'm not sure how Bill & Ted 3 can work when the originals featured them as immature teens. If you mature them, they lose a lot of the fun of the first two movies, but if they are still just as immature in 50 year old bodies, then it becomes kind of sad. Don't get me wrong: I like the Bill & Ted characters and I want this movie to end up being good, but I'm not sure how they can pull it off. Personally I think Ghostbusters 3 will have a better chance pulling off the late sequel thing. Oh, and I kinda liked the Robocop reboot.
  19. Here's my review of the new Galaga mini arcade by Basic Fun.
  20. Yes, I will definitely try to do that one when I get to it. My current plan is to do this whenever I have multiple versions of a game to review. I may try to do this with some previously reviewed games too.
  21. What are your thoughts on these two versions of Beamrider? The recent High Score Squad for Beamrider on the Intellivision inspired me to share my thoughts in my very first Vs comparison video!
  22. I think its cool that you can take selected posts from one thread and turn them into their own thread! (Although I didn't mind the Star Trek tangents at all) I really got into Next Gen when they started airing reruns at night after the 10pm local news (on WKBD 50 Justin). Due to simple math, most the episodes I saw where after Riker's beard, which is considered the opposite of jumping the shark for TV shows. We just started the first season. I've told myself that it's supposed to get better after season 1, but some of the early episodes aren't that bad. My wife also told me she doesn't care for Yar, but I informed here she wouldn't be around for long. But she does seem to like Data. DS9 didn't appeal to me when it first aired. I didn't like the idea of the show focused on a star base rather than exploration. And the theme song seemed boring and lacked energy compared to Next Gen. So I never really gave it a chance. But I've heard many praises of the show, so I look forward to giving it a real try once we finish Next Gen. I watched the premier of Voyager on UPN with a lot of excitement, but the premier ended up boring me to the point I never gave it another shot. The story didn't do anything for me and the cast lacked the great chemistry found in TOS and Next Gen. I still have no desire to revisit it. ST: Enterprise also never drew me in. The "hip" theme song felt so out of place and overall, the show just didn't "feel" like a real Star Trek show. I don't know why, but this is another I have no desire to see. BTW, on a side note, I really enjoyed the animated series!
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