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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I didn't have one, but wanted one. I remember it wouldn't say "bad" words, but if you spelled them more cleverly, you could get close. Now THAT'S learning, folks.
  2. The arcade version was even cooler. It had more realistic handlebars. I loved that game as a kid.
  3. OK, now I want one too. Because jumping a motorcycle over trash cans is in my blood.
  4. Didn't Atari make a home version of stunt cycle, with motorcycle handlebars attached to the console?
  5. Who needs manuals? I think they are fun to have, and interesting to read myself. Post your lists of extras, and hopefully we can get some trades going. 5200 Manuals Centipede Moon Patrol Soccer 2600 Manuals Video Pinball Combat Warlords Intellivision Manuals Space Spartans
  6. Hi all: I thought I'd start a post for folks to list their extra/duplicate carts. Post your lists, and hopefully, we can help expand each others collections. Simple 1 for 1 trades. Here is my list: Atari 2600 loose carts (my latest list is near the end of this thread....the shoebox picture )
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