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Everything posted by Arenafoot

  1. at the 52:17 mark of King of Kong, it shows Tim Sczerby in 3rd place with a 879,200 score on the Twin Galaxies scoreboard website - but the graphic within the movie a few moments later shows a different list........
  2. go to the 20:33 mark of the King of Kong movie and you'll see he was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-P8Kyvnz4&feature=youtu.be&t=20m17s
  3. People claim that those seat covers are available at Walmart. I haven't seen them at my local store though.
  4. Just saw it yesterday - its was awesome! It is very action packed. I did expect to see more Adventure in it than what was shown.
  5. In many ways, the history of gaming can all be traced back to Nolan Bushnell, the co-founder of Atari. But that's not all he's known for... #8DaysOf8Bit ???? Join us as we meet the mad genius behind Chuck E. Cheese’s in the Emmy® nominated series 8 Bit Legacy. https://www.facebook.com/GBS8BitLegacy/videos/155700601763856/ pay attention to the credits at the end
  6. An article already done about my upcoming book can be found here: http://www.vintageisthenewold.com/atari-2600-homebrew-games-getting-new-compendium-soon/
  7. I still have my childhood Jr (short rainbow) from Christmas 1986...... $42.99 from Lionel PlayWorld (sticker in upper right hand corner)
  8. Happy Atari National Pac-Man Day!! https://www.pinterest.com/arenafoot/national-pac-man-day-april-3/
  9. The newspapers ads are from March-April 1982..... USFL = Tampa Bay Bandits (owned by Burt Reynolds) 1983-1985 I had to look up to see what the TB Rowdies was actually...... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_Bay_Rowdies_(1975%E2%80%9393) part of the North American Soccer League - at that time.
  10. its called HammerFat - size 18 how about this.....
  11. Kamakazi's Monthly Atari Day Extravaganza!!!
  12. free game for 24 hours only! The Darkness II https://www.humblebundle.com/store/the-darkness-ii
  13. So, you ask yourself ......how would a 2 (or 3) player game of Atari Adventure be played??? Well, Ro Anders decided to try and program it and it is now available for us!! Any of the 3 levels can be played with 2 or 3 players competing AT THE SAME TIME! Each player has their own castle and their own key to open it, everything else is still the same. Welcome to Atari Adventure Rebooted (aka Head-2-Head Adventure)!!!! Download here: https://sites.google.com/site/h2hadventure/home Now you're playing against..... (maybe me) and you get to the black castle and get the chalice from the red dragon and you return it to your castle .....only to find that your castle is locked because someone else locked your castle and took off with the key! LOL!! This game is quite addicting! And its an awesome twist on an already awesome game! I've played a couple of games against the creator and other Adventure fans and they agree, this classic is even better! A current drawback (but minor) - you have to shut down the program and restart it to begin a new game each time. Ro may fix this in the future if there's enough interest in the game. (and some computers anti-virus programs will flag this game too, but its perfectly fine) https://www.facebook.com/h2hadventure https://twitter.com/h2hadventure h2h Adventure already has a magazine review: https://www.oldschoolgamermagazine.com/head-to-head-adventure-for-pc-and-mac/ BTW - I did create a private Facebook PM of those of us who downloaded the game, so that we can find a 2nd (or 3rd) player to play against. Let me know if you would like to be added so that more of us can enjoy this new version of a classic! (contact me either thru Atari.IO PM or here) See you in the game! ENJOY!!
  14. yeah i do!!! .... GCE Vectrex Star Trek bought on 12/26/1989 from the TRU Marrero, LA location - and they had dozens of them too! Should have bought more
  15. 42,000 - not bad for first time trying this title!
  16. I have one also - it was my dad's. It has screws, nuts, and bolts in it.
  17. Got my Pac-Man tee months ago at WM..... and just got the Atari fuji last saturday! There's a Beavis and Butthead tee too I saw at mine.
  18. I'm currently in the middle of writing a book called "The Unauthorized Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion - Volume 1". I am writing it based on the same style as Michael D Salzman's Atari books - currently available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Michael+D+Salzman&search-alias=books&field-author=Michael+D+Salzman&sort=relevancerank , in the same look and feel of the 80's video game books - black and white print in the small digest size book. For each homebrew game title, I am listing the following info: Release Notes Gameplay Options Controls Scoring Design Strategy Analysis along with 2 screenshots of each game (possibly picture of cartridge label - if there is room for it, I have about 4 pages for each title to work with) I have the first 30 or so titles chosen for volume 1 (about 11 titles are already written), along with a definitions page, and will be adding a "What is a homebrew?" explanation section at the beginning of the book. Is there something I'm missing? Or something that you would like to see contained it in?? This is my first ever attempt at writing a book and if it wasn't for Michael, I wouldn't even be entertaining a thought of this type of project! Thanks for any info! Brian "Arenafoot"
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