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- Ω -

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Everything posted by - Ω -

  1. I completely understand. I left it in, for now at least. You know I don't know if it would work with an OTG cable, but yeah, bigger screen is better... unless you are stuck somewhere far from home.
  2. Well, I guess I'm going to have to file the Vectrex under "unobtanium", for me at least. If a cartridge is going to be more than the game unit, there does not seem to be much point in me devoting any more time to this endeavor. Shame, I was starting to get excited.
  3. Yeah, but if I gave up my right arm I wouldn't be able to use the joystick.
  4. Oooooh, one can even get a "proper" joystick with the stick on the right side!
  5. I'd like to see a Lunar Lander stick!
  6. BTW - A few years ago I seem to remember something about a Vectrex modification that turned it into color and it could play true arcade GROMS. Was that true? If so are they still being done or is it even possible to get CRT's anymore?
  7. Even if I was a perfect player, I could never get close to those scores, my hands give out after a few minutes of playing.
  8. You guys are KILLING me here! I feel like a kid that was taken into a candy store as was told, you can look at anything you want, but you can't have anything! Oh, and this controller... I'm in love!
  9. I could probably swing $300 if it was in good condition and came with a couple of games like Battlezone and Lunar Lander. Honestly though though, I prefer not to go the shipping route on one though, I'd be afraid of receiving damaged goods.
  10. I'm a firm believer in the notion that prices WILL start coming down in the future, when exactly that is, who knows. The population of the people who played these and horded them in later years are now starting to pass away. Those who did not play them and have no nostalgia for them will not pay the prices being asked. The problem being, I'll probably be dead too when they become affordable. 🥵 Asteroids, Battlezone and Lunar Lander... come to me!
  11. VECTREX EQUITY FOR ALL! IF he would consider parting with a working one in good shape, I wonder how much he would charge with shipping...
  12. So I decided to download that awesome TI-99/4A game called Parsec from the Google Play Store... ... then I decided to play it... ... then I checked other people's scores... ... now I hang my head in shame.
  13. Back in the day I almost bought an Amiga because of it's video capabilities and genlock device. Thankfully I didn't go that route because video is no longer NTSC analog.
  14. Makes sense from a marketing perspective. Atari discontinued the 5200 in 1984 and Coleco the Colecovision in 1985. Since hardly anyone wants to buy something that's been discontinued, the stores cannot waste valuable floor space on something that will not pay for the space it takes up.
  15. I forgot who altered this old ad a few years back, but they did a good job...
  16. I will tell you this, that joystick was AWESOME for Pole Position and Missile Command.
  17. I got these from the Longview, WA store which was then in the old Triangle Shopping Mall which has since been torn down. I went there for some paint and brushes and overheard the manager asking the employees if anyone wanted to buy them as they needed the space for something else new coming in. Nobody wanted them, so I offered him $100.00 for both as long as the demo cartridges came with it. He said yes, "... as long as you can get them out of here before closing today." I immediately went to the phone booth (no cell phones back then), called my father-in-law and told him what was up. He was there with the pickup truck within the hour. I kept it in my father in-laws shop for a couple of months then started cutting it down, for the TI and mounted the Atari guts in the joystick section and used it that way with the TV at home for a couple of years before a friend begged me for it and I sold it to him for what I originally bought the kiosk for.
  18. If I had only known then the crazy prices those things can sell for now, and had the room to store it for nearly 40 years...
  19. I bought both the Coleco and Atari display units from Montgomery Ward's when they were getting rid of them. I cut down the monitor for my TI-99/4A as shown here in 1985... ... later when my wife was pregnant with our second child I had to give up my den for the nursery, so I removed the 19" monitor from the cabinet and built a hutch for it in 1987 (shown below)... The Coleco unit I gave to a neighbor, one of the joysticks went to a friend who hardwired it into his TRS-80 Model III for games, the other joystick I kept, naturally for TI-99/4A use. You've probably seen it in a photograph of my TI system before, although it's residing in a solid oak enclosure...
  20. Oh, below are the best joysticks ever made for the 5200 (IMHO), even if I still had them, I don't have the room for them now. ... and yes, that is me a long, long, long time ago.
  21. Thanks. I've made a few others over the years. I remove the one that do no hold up well over time or are replaced by "something better", but for the 5200 stuff if you want to view the others... Consider an Atari 5200 for you Retro Gaming Bosconian 5200 Conversion of course I made a plug video for this site as well... Maybe it's time to make a couple more? Any suggestions for content?
  22. Not a bad deal comparatively. I have a rebuilt joystick, but I never use it because my hands can no longer deal with those side buttons. I found the RetroGameBoyz all-in-one controller a great solution for this arthritic old fart.
  23. Hey guys, there is a nice looking Atari 5200 WITH UAV MODIFICATION installed on Ebay right now for a decent price: << HERE >>
  24. I can understand and relate to lack of time issues. As if I didn't have enough to deal with my cellphone crapped out and had to buy a new one, I spent 6 hours today (time I didn't have) to get it it all configured the way I like it.
  25. That IS awesome, but the first thing that came to mind was, "How can one person find all the time to build and maintain it." Maybe he also has a railroad modified DeLorean.
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