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Posts posted by dauber

  1. Hey, everybody...I think it's about time I awaken The Atari 7800 Homebrew Podcast from hibernation! Let's start with this new title from PenguiNet, that technically isn't really a homebrew per se, but...hey, let me know whatcha think about it anyway.

    Because of its highly specialized custom chips, there's no way to emulate it right now, so you actually will have to play The Real Thing. Here's the link:


    It's a pretty expensive 7800 game, but even if you don't buy it, at least buy the (much cheaper) Windows version if you can -- it's worth having on any platform!

    I'm thinking my deadline will be Thursday, March 21, 11:59pm Central Daylight Time.


  2. The wake of St. Patrick’s Day brings the world a new chapter in this as-read-by-the-author book in podcast form. In this episode:

    Death of The Mad Russian - Six years to the day of his death, we must wonder: why WAS he so angry?
    Music for Schnooks: The Cliché-Free Love Segment - Sorry, no puns based on the name of the Elektra Records band, but…well, just listen!

  3. Might as well start a thread, eh? :)

    Once again, in downtown Milwaukee at the Wisconsin Center - which is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge (not quite McCormick Place or the Javits Center, but still huge)...weekend of April 13. I'll be there in the vendor space representing Pie Factory Podcast with my co-host Jim, and if all goes according to plan, we will be having an amazing contest (winner must be present). And we'll likely also be sharing space with frankodragon, who will be selling some of his Atari 7800 homebrews.

    I think Eugene Jarvis is one of the scheduled speakers. Brian Colin -- artist and creative force behind Arch Rivals, Pigskin 621A.D., Rampage, and others - usually sets up a display near where Galloping Ghost Arcade is. (If they bring Spectre Files, TRY IT -- it's a ton of fun!) Svengoolie will be there as well. Don't recall who else is going to be there -- I've just been focusing on my own planning and such. Guys, Games, and Beer usually has a nice room, and they're really cool people.

    web site is www.midwestgamingclassic.com

  4. Hey, all...I really didn't want to just pimp myself here, but Justin encouraged me to post updates about this podcast nonetheless. With his blessing...Chapter 6 is out!

    February is a short month, but not so short that a new chapter isn't published! In this episode:

    • Growing Up Catholic: Catholic School - Sean talks about his wacky adventures in education under the rule of the Vatican
    • Long Title -- Music For Schnooks -- Don't Meet Your Heroes: Talented Dummy Edition - In honor of a recently departed musical hero


  5. Tonight only: Pie Factory Podcast's Triumphant Return!

    Episode 88 features falling blocks discussed by these falling blockheads: what could possibly be more fitting? In this landmark 2019 comeback, join Sean and Jim as they talk about not Ferg. That's right, Ferg will not be mentioned in this episode. Listen to find out why!


    (BTW, it seems I'm only posting podcast stuff here...I apologize; I promise I'll try to make my posts more useful!)

  6. With episode 87, Jim and Sean decided to end 2018 on a...well, let's face it...weird note. I mean, come on! Who's ever HEARD of these games?! Well...SOMEBODY must have, or else there wouldn't be a podcast talking about them! Podcasts just don't talk about games that don't exist! (or do they?) Regardless, this certainly is a podcast episode, and we hope you will all agree.


  7. Well, friends, the time has come...

    Autobiography of a Schnook has officially launched!

    The truth is, though, it launched last week. The preface (or, as some podcasts call it, "episode zero") was released, but I didn't want to make an announcement until the first episode (or "chapter") was available as well, just to get both an introduction and some context out there.

    The podcast is available on all the major podcast providers...except Apple Podcasts / iTunes...because, well...Apple takes up to two weeks to approve podcasts. Heck, even Google Play only took *hours*! But hey, it's out. icon_smile.gif

    What's it about? Well...for years it's been my observation that you can go to a library or book store and find biographies of...famous people...but no biographies of just your average, everyday schnook of whom nobody's ever heard. I figured I should publish an autobiography and call it Autobiography of a Schnook. The reality is...I'd never actually finish it. But eventually it occurred to me: why not do it as a podcast? So...here it is.

    Despite my two video game podcasts and my frequenting of video game fora, my first love is actually music, so every episode will have a segment called "Music for Schnooks." (Spoiler alert: a future episode will have a "Music for Schnooks" guest many of us have heard of. icon_smile.gif )

    Having said that, I will NOT be posting here every time a new episode is out. In an effort to be as on-topic as possible, after this point I will only post when an episode has a video game topic. I just wanted to announce this podcast for now.

    I don't know if this podcast will be any kind of success, but I really don't care; I just want to do it, and I invite you all to give it a listen. The home page is schnookpodcast.com. There's a Facebook presence, so you can "like" the page at facebook.com/SchnookPodcast if you do the FB thing. Episode links are below:


    PREFACE: Welcome to the world of a schnook.
    Sean isn’t anybody rich, famous, heroic, or otherwise remarkable; he’s just a schnook. And he’s here to not only tell his story, but also to refer to himself in the third person.



    CHAPTER 1:
    In the first chapter of Autobiography of a Schnook, Sean focuses on Thanksgiving-related topics:
    – A Thanksgiving Curse?
    – Music For Schnooks: Don’t Meet Your Heroes (Troubled Genius Edition)


  8. Wow. Next time I do this, I really need to re-think my strategy.


    I got a later than expected start on Friday night, only getting in about three and a half hours. I was gaming at Underground Retrocade for thirteen and a half hours (it was actually open for fifteen hours -- an extra hour in observance of the switch to standard time). That's a total of 17 hours, meaning I had 7 hours left the next day, Sunday.


    I spent the night in West Dundee, as per my wife's suggestion. She didn't want me driving home for 25-30 miles after staring at video game screens all day until 1am. That was a GREAT idea. I was just...out of it! I started feeling stoned at about 11pm. I went to the front desk to get a drink, and I saw that there was some Baja Blast in the fridge. I figured perfect: 1) it's a Mountain Dew product, meaning lots of caffeine, so it'll give me a little kick; 2) Baja Blast has proven for me to be a headache cure -- I didn't have a headache, but this would ensure I wouldn't get one!, and 3) by the time I'm done, there should be a sugar crash, so I'll sleep easily.


    Seriously, this was HARD. If you happen to spend hours playing video games because you're having fun and lose track of time, that's one thing. But when you're intentionally doing it because you committed to doing it, it's completely different. it was especially hard for me because usually if I have a huge gaming session at an arcade, I'll take breaks, maybe go for a little stroll around town, etc. But Saturday I took two breaks: one for lunch, and then another one later to unload my stuff in my hotel room and then grab some frozen custard for a yummy snack. And those breaks were still kind of...not laid back at all.


    But I left the Retrocade at about 1:45am, and when I got to my hotel room, I watched Ferg's stream while getting ready for bed. And sure enough: massive sugar crash, and I'm pretty sure I didn't so much sleep as I was actually temporarily dead for six or seven hours! I woke up, showered, got dressed. I got some breakfast where I had lunch the previous day, but man, they were hugely busy. I got seated right away, but it took awhile for my order. And as a result, I got a late start heading home. I left West Dundee at about 1pm, expecting to get home to Chicago at 2pm. Sure enough, I got home pretty much exactly at 2pm. My wife asked me to re-consider finishing my Extra Life stuff yesterday, though, because assuming I had seven hours left, then that would mean if I went straight to video games as soon as I got in, took no breaks, etc., I'd be gaming until 9pm. Problem: because my wife is a teacher, she has to get up supremely early, (Being a married couple, we share a bed, so when one of us gets in or out, the other can feel it and ergo would be awoken.) So she suggested doing a few hours yesterday, and a few hours Tuesday night since she won't be home until late. (Those of you who think a teacher's day ends at 3, well...that's....extremely not true. Same reason that your garbage collector doesn't actually work for JUST one day a week.)


    I have about three hours left to do, which I'll do Tuesday when I get home from work. Probably will pull out the Vectrex for at least some of that.


    If I do this again next year, I'll split it up over two weekends. Maybe an arcade day one weekend, home day the next.


    BTW, Scott and Alex and Underground Retrocade were both awesome and willing to bend over backwards to accommodate me for Extra Life, but I didn't want them to at all. I don't want any special treatment that any other customer wouldn't get. (Heh. Scott told me to let him know if I needed anything. I felt bad -- I wanted him to tell me if Alex needed anything - she was on her own for a while, and it can get busy on Saturday!)

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