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Posts posted by dauber

  1. Just as with CrossBow, my wife and I don't really do the Hallowe'en thing. We do watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown every year though. Luckily, our company is dismissing us at 3 today. My wife is on strike, so she's probably monitoring media to see when she can go back to work. I THINK we're having left-over Chinese food...very Hallowe'eny, no?? Looking forward to finishing my fried rice! For me, the REAL celebration is tomorrow: I get off work early, and I'll be doing my ExtraLife gaming in the afternoon, and all day at the arcade on Saturday. 

    EDIT: wife goes back to work tomorrow. 

  2. Now that PRGE has happened and the game is now available, I'm looking for feedback a future episode of the Atari 7800 Homebrew Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/homebrew78 ).

    What are your thoughts on Baby Pac-Man Collection?

    You can also e-mail text or audio to homebrew78 -at- fab4it -dot- com.

    Deadline will be...hmm....let's say 11:59pm CDT Hallowe'en. Thanks!

  3. Episode 102 has dropped! In this episode, Jim and Sean study the intricacies of the contrapuntal philosophies of the next-generation trends of the upper echelon and how they relate to the hoi polloi's intrapersonal struggle with the id and the superego. Or...was that another episode?? Hmm...well, this episode talks about either that or a couple of old video games called Space Panic and Looping; we don't remember for sure.


  4. I've been really off the ball on my podcasts...not posting updates....well, I remembered this time.

    Chapter 10 actually does have a classic video game segment, so it's on topic!

    In this episode:

    • My SENIOR Year in High School - answering a frequently-posted social media survey
    • The Mysterious Phantom Pac-Man Game - For years Sean has insisted that a sequel in the Pac-Man franchise existed, yet nobody believed him.
    • The Doors Without Jim - What's the point? Well...


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