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Bring Back MST3K!


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I'm not a Kickstarter fan as I've expressed before.  I'm more of a fan of spending money on actual products rather than promises.   BUT.....


I think several of us agree that this is something near and dear!  


"For you - Rowsdower from the 70 - have been appointed Omnivisioner of the Game Grid."  ~ Atari Adventure Square

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I remember watching it and my dad comes in and started to watch it with me. After wards he was like that was a great movie, what's the point of those annoying voices while the movie was on. Needless to say, I had to explain that they were making fun of the movie. He didn't get it to say the least. I think it might have made it that much cooler to me at that point.

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I don't see where it states anyone from the original cast has signed on for this, so before I would even kick them a 10 spot, I'd have to know more.

If Kevin and Bill aren't on board, I'll probably just stick to supporting RiffTrax until I see a few episodes.

"For you - Rowsdower from the 70 - have been appointed Omnivisioner of the Game Grid."  ~ Atari Adventure Square

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It seems as if they are trying to revive the MST3K brand as Rifftrax has been distributing some MST3K episodes. They might be on board. Who knows... http://www.rifftrax.com/mst3k-mitchell

Mike Nelson tweeted today that he is in no way associated with the MST3K relaunch.    Which makes me think that Bill and Kevin probably aren't either.  


To be fair, Joel should be full disclosure with this so people don't donate unaware.


That being said, I MIGHT be okay with a recasting, but I'd have to see to judge.  

"For you - Rowsdower from the 70 - have been appointed Omnivisioner of the Game Grid."  ~ Atari Adventure Square

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Mike Nelson tweeted today that he is in no way associated with the MST3K relaunch.    Which makes me think that Bill and Kevin probably aren't either.  


To be fair, Joel should be full disclosure with this so people don't donate unaware.


That being said, I MIGHT be okay with a recasting, but I'd have to see to judge.  


Who knows. I just want this to be seen by Netflix or Hulu. They might not even finish the Kickstarter and one of the companies sees that it is gaining speed. They might decide they want to produce the reboot and boom. MST3K is back, maybe with a new cast, but that never hurt the show in the past?

Retro obsessed dude

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Riffs that stupidly make me grin every-time.........


Episode guide: 804- The Deadly Mantis


“Did you enjoy meeting my privates? I mean the guys back at the base!”




“I’ve got a mantis in my pantis.”    :D 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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I read a little further into the rewards, and noticed that the ones that include autographs mention that it will include Joel and whoever else signs on.   SO...there's hope to get Trace on board, and who knows who else. :)

"For you - Rowsdower from the 70 - have been appointed Omnivisioner of the Game Grid."  ~ Atari Adventure Square

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