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My 2600 Got Mail Today

Atari 5200 Guy

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The VCS/2600 I got recently received some mail today...and a "doctor's" appointment.  So I took it apart and started the process of...




...replacing all four main switches and one difficulty switch.  The others were fine so I didn't need to replace those.  The removal process was not all that difficult.  And it sure did make a difference in how each switch performs.  I have always wondered why those main switches were so stiff when I would find them in the wild.  They were worn out!  So now my 2600 has new main switches (aren't they shiny?!?) and the left difficulty switch has been replaced.  It's like a brand new unit!!







Thanks for reading!





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The only thing left to do is find the foil tape that grounds the switches to the RF shield over the processors.  Man, just changing the switches did a world of miracles.  I'm not experiencing as much interference as I was before.  It wasn't bad but there was some static from something.  And everything that was on before is still on...no changes.  


Thanks, Rick, for the comment.  I feel like I did a good thing.  I just wish I knew what color that edge is suppose to be around the four switches.  

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did they just pop off and pop on the new ones? or did you have to solder them?

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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they have these @ local arts & craft shops .... I don't know what the original paint code is but this should touch it up nicly


don't toss them old switches ... sometimes someone just needs a spring off'n them or something to replace a borked handle ...


the foil tape you can get a roll for duct work ... I wanted to toss some in RJB but was pressed for time

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they have these @ local arts & craft shops .... I don't know what the original paint code is but this should touch it up nicly


don't toss them old switches ... sometimes someone just needs a spring off'n them or something to replace a borked handle ...


the foil tape you can get a roll for duct work ... I wanted to toss some in RJB but was pressed for time


Thanks!  I will check it out!!


I never throw away parts unless they are absolutely beyond working/repairing condition.  Those switches still can function if the time comes I should need them.  Hopefully by then I will have new spares ready to be installed but I expect this 2600 will outlast me...and maybe half a generation after that.  The 2600's may have issues but for the most part they are built like a tank!

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