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Recharged Squad Challenge 009 - Gravitar: Recharged

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default_pole_position_blimp_big.gifCongratulations tripled!


Congratulations to @tripledthe winner of our Gravitar: Recharged Squad Challenge!

@tripled takes his second Squad challenge win at ClubVCS with a galaxy imploding score of 36,889!  It was a crowded field at the top of the podium though with two other players breaking the 30K barrier.  @Davpa posted a last minute 11th hour entry of 31,375 to take the silver!  @stirrell came in just behind with an amazing score of 30,616 to take the bronze!  @Mockduck navigated his way to a score of 19,590 and a fourth place finish.  Finally, your host @Sabertooth and @RickR round out the boards with scores of 15,315 and 9,030, respectively. 

As the winner of this round @tripledwill receive 3 entries in the controller giveaway!

@Davpawill receive two entries since he posted his attempt via Twitch.  Everyone else will receive one entry!

I'd like to encourage @tripled to post his high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on!

Thanks also to @Marco1019 for getting the word out about this challenge!  If you haven't already, check him out on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/retrowithmarco!

Congratulations to tripled on his big win!  And a big congratulations to the rest of the Squad!  Gravitar: Recharged is one of the toughest games in Atari's new Recharged series and it takes patience and practice to do well.  It's also a vast improvement over the original arcade and 2600 games and makes great use of the Classic Controller.  I hope that everyone enjoyed navigating a variety of challenging environments and testing your skills as pilots.

NOTE: Our next Recharged Squad Challenge is Jetboard Joust! Be there!



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