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Atari VCS For Sale In The UK?

Caleb Hick88

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hello Sabertooth,

thank you very much for your reply, that is really sad to hear that it's not for sale in the UK yet, but thank you so very much for your advice and information on where I could quite possibly be able to find an alternative way of getting a hold of one through other means, but would or do you know if they would be able to work on PAL TVs if they are from elsewhere in the world and would you also know of any youtubers and Ebay sellers to check out on this?

thank you again 

Caleb H.

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@Caleb Hick88 , check out Geek Battle Gamer. He's a U.K.-based YouTuber with VCS content. He may have some content and/or advice on this matter.


There is also a video on importing a VCS to Europe here:

In terms of compatibility with PAL, this is a modern HDMI console so there shouldn't be an issue on modern sets as HDMI is a global standard. You may need a power adapter though as the VCS would ship with a U.S. power supply/plug.

I couldn't recommend any sellers in particular.

I hope that helps!

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so incredibly sorry for this being such a late reply.

thank you so much for letting me know about this guy and his youtube channel and video this is going to help so much dude you are a true legend and gentleman for helping me out with all of this, hopefully this won't cost too much and including the shipping for getting it overseas.

again, thank you so much for helping me out here.

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@Caleb Hick88 you may want to look into this sale post on AtariAge: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/352547-interest-check-for-sale-atari-jaguar-lynx-vcs-floppy-drive-modded-n64-and-other-items/

US$190 for the Atari VCS bundle that is currently on sale for US$225 is a great deal, and perhaps the seller is willing to ship it to the UK. I've been considering buying it myself for that price.

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