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Gates Of Zendocon

Gates of Zendocon gets a solid 10/10 . I never got to experience this game on original hardware but I've been playing it on and off the last few days on my Evercade and have been having a blast. I'm usually not the biggest fan of Space Shooters,  Shoot 'em ups or Horizontally scrolling shooters, but this game has held my attention where others have failed. From cool looking enemies to explosions and safe spots like the awesome looking base, this game has it all. This game was released in 1989 an


1Littlebeast in Arcade

JagStudio Development Suite

JagStudio is an advanced development suite for the Atari Jaguar that allows you to code using Assembler, BASIC or C and is based around Reboot's powerful RAPTOR API. Regardless of your programming capabilities, beginners to advanced coders can utilize this flexible package that will fully suit the needs of anyone looking to program exciting new games for the Jaguar. The benefits of using JagStudio are the Hardware Abstraction Layers (HALs) and the combination of external modules available to u

AtariAge News Feed

AtariAge News Feed


Had a pre-modded 7800 sent to me with a UAV that had good s-video but was producing some ugly jail bars in composite. But it was ONLY doing this on 2600 games. I at first suspected something in the wiring of the UAV or the UAV itself and first redid all of that and replaced the UAV. No change. It was then I started to look at things more closely and noticed that this '84 main board all socketed chip board appeared to have a TIA I'd not seen before. The company branding on it is IMP and it had a



Burger Time

BurgerTime for me is a solid 9/10. BurgerTime is a arcade game created in 1982 by Data East. In this game you have to help Peter Pepper create hamburgers while trying to avoid Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Pickle, and Mr. Egg. The easiest way to do this is by just focusing on the top buns. You can score extra points by crushing Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Pickle, and Mr. Egg under a falling ingredients, or by dropping an ingredient while they are standing on it. You can use pepper shots to help stun enemies for a few s


1Littlebeast in Arcade

3rd Annual Atari Homebrew Awards

Voting is now OPEN for the 3rd Annual Atari Homebrew Awards, celebrating the best in new Atari 2600, 7800 and 8-Bit/5200 homebrew games released in 2020! VOTE for your favorite homebrew of 2020 right now in fourteen different categories such as Best Graphics, Best Music+Sound, Best Packaging and Best Work-In-Progress! VOTE HERE: https://atariage.com/forums/forum/203-atari-homebrew-awards/ The results of the 3rd Annual Atari Homebrew Awards will be announced LIVE on the ZeroPage Homebrew's Tw

AtariAge News Feed

AtariAge News Feed

The Ingenious Design of the Nintendo 64

Hello all. Here I am again with yet another weird spinoff entry. Take a look at this console, the Nintendo 64. Released in 1996, this system helped pave the way for modern 3D gaming with revolutionary titles such as Super Mario 64. It also has an ingenious bit of engineering in it that I have yet to see in any other console. However, on the surface, the thing may not look too terribly well designed, and for the most part that is correct. To start, let's look at what is by far the



Ranking the Classic 2D Super Mario Games!

Today's entry of GFBMT is going to be a little different. Today, I will be ranking the Classic 2D Super Mario games from best to worst. I won't be going in-depth here, just listing the games. We'll be ranking the pre-NSMB (New Super Mario Brothers) era Super Mario games that appeared on Nintendo systems (Sorry, Super Mario Brothers Special!). We will also only be talking about the mainseries Super Mario games, not any of the spinoffs. Mainly, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Wario Land: S



New 2600, 5200, 7800, and Atari 8-bit Computer Games! Pre-Order Today!

We are excited to announce the arrival of several new Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, and Atari 8-bit homebrew games in the AtariAge Store for pre-ordering! We were aiming to have these available several months ago, but everything's moving a bit slowly this year. All the boxes, manuals, and labels for these games have been ordered, and we anticipate having everything in January. Once all the printed materials arrive, we will promptly get all pre-orders shipped. Here's an image of all the new games:

AtariAge News Feed

AtariAge News Feed

Superman for Atari 2600 | Man of Stella

I'm not a big comic book fan. I remember reading some DC comics (Detective Comics comics?) that came out of a box of cereal when I was around seven or eight and being too bored to finish it. All of my subsequent efforts to get into comics have more or less ended the same way. Most recently, I got some comic books with my 2600 stuff back in March. Four vintage Superman comics were mixed in with the manuals, from around the same time the movies were coming out (as there were a few advertisements i



LynXmas 2020 Game Jam Announced

This Holiday Season is about to get a lot more interesting with a new Atari Lynx Game Jam being announced... Atari Gamer, in conjunction with AtariAge, ejagfest and Sillyventure, are bringing you this festive themed game jam to get some cheer, laughter and fun going into this Holiday Season! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make an Atari Lynx game within the next 15 days, to have fun and put a smile on players' faces. There are no prizes this time around, it is just for fun

AtariAge News Feed

AtariAge News Feed

Flag Capture on VCS | Hard to Capture in the Wild

Recently, I have been thinking of my favorite games on the Atari VCS and coming to the realization that I have some pretty unpopular tastes. Pac-Man, the "worst video game ever", in my number two spot? Donkey Kong closely behind at number three? Artillery Duel in the top-ten? Video Chess near the top of my most-wanted list? These are some pretty unpopular, if not downright hated games. What's more, some of the 2600's most beloved games, like Yars' Revenge, Adventure, and Pitfall!, aren't near th



Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Game and Watch

The recently released Super Mario Bros Game and Watch scores a Solid 7/10. When compared to the original Game and Watches its missing some features but there is a lot of goodies that sort of make up for it and it will bring you hours of joy. To start the box has a protective sleeve over it  with a neat design on it. (Pictures below) But lets get into the meat of the Handheld the clock has Mario running through a level which you have 3 level faces to choose from that you are able to pick by press


1Littlebeast in Game And Watch

SOS | Save our SNES!

So the other night my family and I sat down and watched the hit 1997 film Titanic. My parents always talked about how much they hated it, but last night is when us kids finally got the chance to see it.  I will say, parts of the movie are really well done. I have always thought the Titanic disaster was interesting, and my mother has as well. She knew a lot about it, to my surprise, and pointed out a few Easter eggs in the movie that would have gone over my head otherwise. For instance, ther



Flinging food in Food Fight

So this blog entry is a little special. Today, I will be covering a video game that I got through the I/O on the I/O! I bought this game and a few others from the one and only @chas10e a few weeks back. He's a great guy to deal with. When you think of classic arcade titles from the golden age, several come to mind before others. In my mind, there are divided into several tiers based off of popularity. Allow me to go off on a little bit of a tangent, but I feel that I need to list them.



7800 - Why didn't this already exist?

Just a quick experiment I worked out last night using some additional logic wired into the 7800 so that remote pause can be a thing if you have a controller that is configured to match.     View the full article



Dreamfall Chapters

Dreamfall Chapters is an episodic adventure game developed by Red Thread Games and Published by Deep Silver. It came out for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, and Xbox One. It is apart of the game series The Longest Journey. ( I haven't played the previous games yet but I bought them recently) I discovered this game in 2018 and absolutely fell in love with it. From its Amazing Soundtrack. (Soundtrack YouTube) To its Beautiful Sci-Fi Futuristic level design and environment. (Which I enjoyed exploring every in



So About Super Mario 3D All-Stars...

Disclaimer: At the time of writing this, I have not played Super Mario 3D All-Stars for the Nintendo Switch. I have, however, played all three games included in this collection. This blog is about my thoughts on the game from things I have seen online. For this blog, I will not be covering the original titles in this collection, rather focusing more on the collection itself. So, Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Right off the bat, that's a very misleading title. The original Super Mario All-Stars,



I'm thankful for Tunnel Runner

Thanksgiving was always a holiday you had to wait for. Unlike something like Christmas Day, where the whole day is sort of celebrated, Thanksgiving is a mostly uneventful day until people start coming over, at least for us kids. Mom didn't trust us in the kitchen with Dad (she's a massive germophobe) so for most of the day we helped her clean the house. She suffers from extreme anxiety so everything had to be perfect for the guests or they wouldn't like it, so she thought. At about 4, most of th



The SNES Tracks | Super Circuit Annex

Last week I reviewed my newly-acquired copy of Mario Kart Super Circuit. I had mentioned in that review that I couldn't properly rank it in my Mario Kart series rankings as I had only been playing it a short while, though I thought it would rank high. I had also mentioned that until the DLC came out for Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, this game had the most tracks of any game in the series as it included all 20 of the tracks from the initial Mario Kart game on the Super NES. At the time I had written tha



"Rasteroids" on the Atari 2600

Asteroids was a game I had played before on my Wii 2600 emulator, but I didn't really start enjoying it until I got my Jakks Pacific 2600 Joystick Plug 'N' Play. Sometimes when you have less games to choose from it helps you appreciate the ones you have more. Whenever I'm exposed to an emulator or something and I have a folder with hundreds of abbreviated ROMs, I often just play the same two or three games over and over again until I get bored. When I have less games availiable to me, I often en



Don't go into a dark Alleyway because you won't be able to see your Game Boy screen.

This January I finally completed my North American Nintendo Game Boy launch lineup. I have said in the past that I have been collecting games for the original Game Boy since August of 2015, though that's only half-true. In August 2015 I bought my first DMG Game Boy game on 3DS Virtual Console. Not a physical cartridge, though since I did pay money for it, it sort of counts in my eyes. The first game I got on 3DS was not any of the GB NA launch games, rather it was a very late release, Game and W



Mario Kart Super Circuit: On-the-Go Kart

In today's entry, we won't be going back too far before my time like we did with Miniature Golf, rather we will only go back a single generation. Today we will cover the first Mario Kart you can play on the go, Mario Kart Super Circuit. In January of 2013 I got my first handheld console, the almighty Nintendo DSi. Although the successor, the 3DS, was out for nearly two years, I specifically asked for the DSi. I really hated analog sticks and circle pads (I still kind of do), and I didn



Miniature Golf on Atari 2600: A hole-in-one or a bogey?

I love the sport of Miniature Golf. Well, is it even a sport? Golf is, so Mini Golf is, there. The brightly-colored balls, the sound of the artificial water streams, oldies playing quietly on speakers mounted proudly on tall wooden posts... Each course is filled to the brim with its own personality. I've gone to many places to play and I find the smaller ones to be the best. If a place typically has more than one thing in it besides mini golf (like batting cages or go-karts), I find it to have l



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