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Everything posted by Justin

  1. @RetroTech the TurboGrafx-16 and PC Engine are some of my all-time favorite systems! For many years I had a website called TurboGrafx-16.com that was a sister-site to this one. I made the mistake one year of forgetting to renew the domain and I lost my entire site. It was terrible. -_- Someone created a site mirror of it though, which is still available here: http://turbo.emuunlim.org/systems.htm Even though I designed the TurboGrafx site almost 15 years ago I'd still like to get it back online. We'll see.. So glad to see so much enthusiasm on this site for the TurboGrafx & PC Engine though!
  2. Hoping our friend Rob AKA MaximumRD survives the Kelowna blizzard :)

  3. Here's another good one. This time a little later, Summer 2001. Notice the Sega Dreamcast Sega Sports bundle, the Nintendo 64 controllers, the PS2 systems in the blue boxes and the Gran Turismo 3 bundle in the red, the silver-boxed PSone systems, and the GameBoy Advances.
  4. Thinking back to good times at Kay-Bee Toy Stores in the mall. My first Atari came from Sears, but almost every game I ever bought for Atari, Nintendo, all the way up through Dreamcast, most often came from Kay-Bee in our local mall. It's always fun to share these memories this time of year. Hope you guys have some fond Kay-Bee memories too! http://youtu.be/cB_cAK8CbXA Kay-Bee Toy Stores Commercial for Atari Games and Systems (1986)
  5. Did anybody else have a Speak & Spell growing up? Texas Instruments found a tremendously clever use of their speech synthesis chip. The Speak & Spell was introduced in June, 1978 at the Summer CES, making it one of the very first handheld electronic devices with a visual display. Speak & Spell enjoyed a very similar lifespan to that of the Atari 2600, retailing from 1978-1992.
  6. Working hard tonight to make our site spectacular.

    1. greenween


      You're doing a great job!!

    2. The Professor

      The Professor

      Hey when are we going to get those space invaders member rank pips?


  8. That's awesome greenween! Do you have Mat Mania for your 7800?
  9. Sounds like a cool game and an awesome weekend!
  10. Awesome photos Greenween! Have you had a chance to play the game with anybody yet?
  11. Looking forward to those pics greenween
  12. I've never played Dark Tower, but looking at the box it says "A fantasy adventure born of electronic wizardry" and it certainly looks like the tower would light up. Seems like this would be a great game to try out sometime.
  13. A very special WELCOME to all of our new forum members!!

  14. Sorry you had mismatched bed sheets as a kid, people who drink soda in the morning.

  15. Interesting article Zontar, thanks for sharing! All these years later the Lynx is still my favorite handheld for all the right reasons.
  16. Justin

    House Rules

    In order to keep things fun for everyone, we ask that you play by a simple set of guidelines when interacting with fellow members in the Forums: 1. FREE SPEECH & FREE EXPRESSION (See Hitchens, Christopher). We strongly advocate free speech and free expression, in our forums and throughout the world. Free speech and free expression are what separate us from savages. We firmly believe you have the right to make your own decisions and we allow you maximum freedom to do so within our forums. With maximum freedom comes maximum personal responsibility. Use your free expression constructively as we will not allow our forums to descend into Lord of the Flies. We are not going to disagree with your opinion, deem it inappropriate, and ban you. Quite the contrary. There's nothing we enjoy more than fostering debate. But that debate must be among respectful adults who know where to draw the line. It's the difference between a fencing match and a drive-by. 2. 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We ask that you conduct yourself as you would a guest at a party in someone's home. A likable party guest doesn't drag drama and negativity from the outside world and other websites into somebody else's home, and they don't use your backyard as a platform to complain loudly about your neighbor. They don't beg for handouts, and they're polite when others are generous. Likable party guests aren't negative, cringy, overtly political, divisive, critical or argumentative in a friendly setting. A likable guest has civility and knows to leave politics and divisive topics at the door, and doesn't push agendas or political imagery on you as they enter your home. We leave the noise of the outside world at the door and come in with a blank slate make new friends with shared interests and have a good time - not find topics that foment reasons for us to dislike each other. A likable party guest is polite and thoughtful toward the other guests, knows how to get along with others and enjoy the party. Please treat our forums and your fellow members the way you would want to be treated. 6. BE HONEST IN YOUR TRADES (SEE 3, 4, & 7) 7. NO PRESALES Presales of products that do not yet exist are NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES in the forums. DO NOT use the forums to directly solicit money for products that are not yet complete or projects that are still in development. Even with the best intentions, sincere promises of "ready to ship in six months" many times become tumultuous as months turn into years or even a decade without fulfillment. Please wait until your product is READY TO SHIP before soliciting sales in our forums. 8. HANDLE YOUR OWN BUSINESS We're not mommy. Clean up after yourself, try not to make a mess and handle your own affairs. 9. 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