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Everything posted by Marco1019

  1. It's been a rough, non-gaming week & it's going to carry over into next week, sadly. The show will be postponed 1 week & will return on March 29. I'll be online sporadically until then.

    Screen Shot 2023-03-15 at 8.46.51 PM.png

    1. Sabertooth


      Hang in there! We'll be here when you're back! 🕹️

  2. I am finally up and running! My ID is Marco1019, though I cannot tell you the other numbers that were added as a suffix. (You'll be able to tell by my profile description which touts my retrogaming along with my Twitch show.)
  3. Hello! After finding time to loacte the hotfix and to install Etcher in order to flash my Club VCS Recharged Squad Challenge! However, I say this with a caveat as I'm hoping I followed the challenge rules correctly. Was I supposed to upgrade this game prior to playing? I just purchased the game and jumped right in. So if I did this correctly, then here's my entry of 16,425. P.S. My VCS profile is Marco1019. I will do the follow-for-follow. I'm happy to join this community!
  4. Here's the teaser for Episode 100 streaming Wed night at 9pm ET! New retrogaming records, news on upcoming releases for Colecovision & Amiga 1200, free e-books, + several tournament updates!


    1. Marco1019


      Episode 100 is going live at 9pm ET! New retrogaming records, free e-books, Imagic for Colecovosion, + a tournament roundup! We're going into OT tonight!



  5. I will stream a short, live unboxing of my Atari VCS at 8pm ET tonight! Finally lol! I hope to stream some gaming this weekend but I also have the show to work on for Wednesday.




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marco1019


      Thanks! I'm surprised it fit so well. I doubt I'll actually use the speakers, though I may be tempted one day.

    3. RickR


      I wish I had one...I could annoy everyone on my airplane trip tomorrow with my audiobooks on a speakerhat. 


    4. Marco1019


      Well, that depends on the audiobook lol. You could have a small crowd around you.

  6. Thank you as always, @Justin, for the kind words. As I believe I posted early on in this thread, I never imagined Joust would be released for the 2600! I'm not sure if I will take part in March, but it's party for a good reason: I will be soon taking part in the Recharged Squad Challenge! I will (finally) unbox my new Atari VCS on a short Twitch stream tomorrow night, and I hope to get in a little gaming before preparing for my 100th show on Wednesday. Oh, I also learned of another fun challenge called the Splash Wave Racing League. It's run on Twitter by Sharkabytes, and their latest challenge is Wipeout XL!
  7. New PB: 178,650. I was SO THRILLED to reach the stage when all of the enemies are blue. Thrilled.
  8. The gray enemies took some adjusting. The blue enemies will even zig-zag. They're so annoying lol.
  9. Soon.

    Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 7.33.26 PM.png

    1. Marco1019


      It arrived yesterday....as did a winter storm! (LA has received a ton of rain on top of cold temperatures; some areas of CA received snow and hail).


      I hope to unpack it later today or Sunday.


  10. I've been mostly radio silent due to work & such, but I'm hoping to adjust that very soon. To that end, here's the teaser for Episode 99 of Retro With Marco streaming tomorrow night at 9pm on Twitch! Featuring new retrogaming records, Turrican II for the Amiga, plus a Winter Yolympics update!


    1. Marco1019


      Episode 99 is going live at 9pm ET! New #retrogaming records, an update on Turrican 2 AGA for Amiga, + an update on Winter Yolympics!



  11. It is 1000 points for the 2600 version as well.
  12. UPDATE: According to the manual, you can defeat a pterodactyl "if you hit it directly on its beak". I have failed at this task. Fleeing is better for me.
  13. I was never that good at Joust, but I had played the arcade version on Antstream Arcade a few months ago. Another gamer, Tracey Gleave, received tips from Lonnie McDonald. Lonnie used to have the MAME record on Twin Galaxies....before Tracey broke his record! Anyway, one thing I do is let the enemies come to me at the bottom of the screen. Then I will time my flapping of the ostrich to their descent so I will be above them as they start to ascend. The floating eggs adds a different dimension in this version. It makes for a somewhat challening Egg Stage. Thankfully, there are only six eggs to collect. It doesn't look like you can stab the pterodactyls, which is fine because they're scary creatures and I tend to run away from them lol.
  14. New PB: 143,850. I'm slowly figuring out the tendencies of the various enemies. The Blue ones are quite clever and they will double-back quickly and even zig-zag at times.
  15. I tend to wait around the bottom of the screen (just to the right of where your character is sitting in your screenshot) because the enemies will usually appear in the middle of the screen.
  16. Here's the teaser for Episode 98 streaming Wed night at 9pm ET! New retrogaming records, a look at A Pig Quest for the C64, + an update on BigPEmu, the Atari Jaguar emulator!


    1. Marco1019


      Episode 98 is going live at 9pm ET! New #retrogaming records, A Pig Quest for C64, + an Atari Jaguar emulator update!



  17. New PB: 94,200. One big difference with this version is that the enemies will change direction suddenly.
  18. New PB: 91,200. Wow, do I love the pterodactyls.
  19. Adding on to @greenween, this is a game I would never would have imagine playing on the 2600. This is quite a feat! Here's my submission (which I played last night): 71,650. I played on OpenEmu which uses Stella. The controls and flapping take some adjusting, especially versus the arcade original.
  20. Thank you all for the kind words. I didn't think my previous submission would hold up. My non-gaming schedule changed earlier this month so I've had to reallocate time to my show as well as gaming. The tips provided in the thread were very useful, and a reminder that the robots aren't very smart. That last bit helped me score a few more points after dying lol.
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