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Everything posted by DegasElite

  1. I once had a ColecoVision with about twenty games. I also had the VCS expansion module with it. It was basically a scaled-down A2600 that ran on the CV's power supply, which of course fit into the expansion port of the CV. I loved that thing, and it did increase its expandability. I think that Atari sued Coleco about the module, but I do not remember all of the details. Anyway, MaxRD, you state that you modded a VCS adapter for the A5200 to work with its own power supply to be a standalone unit. It must not be too hard to do, since I believe the VCS adapter is a small 2600 to begin with, but how did that get accomplished? Did you do it yourself? I am curious.
  2. The Jaguar's controller pad is reminiscent of the A5200 joystick to me because of the keypad. I have AVP and Tempest 2000, and I agree. They are great games. I have about 20+ games for the Jaguar. Some homebrew, most from Atari and third-party developers. I like most of the games myself. Granted, there are some games that have room for improvement. But, games like T2K, AVP, Dragon's Lair, Myst, for example, I think look and play well. I loved AVP. A friend of mine once played the game and was astounded by the graphics and sound. She was blown away by it. I was, too. But, seriously, the Jaguar definitely does have the horsepower, but it is a beast to program. At least, that is what I have heard from other people. I would not mind trying to program on it, but it is a learning curve from what I understand. Well, with assembly code anyway. Sure there are apps like Raptor BASIC+, for example. I have that as well. It is a good piece of programming software. I would try to study it more, but I need to work on my time management before that is a feasibility. Great machine, it just needed more finesse. That's my opinion anyway. That is indicative of ANY game platform, though. Thanks for letting me share, folks.
  3. Just a thought, is there a chance that we could figure out a way to have an RB+ tutorial on this forum? I am curious because I wouldn't mind learning how to use the language. I have a copy of Raptor BASIC+ on my PC at home, hence the inquiry. I know that they have tutorials on AtariAge, but I was wondering about here as well. I, myself, have tutorial files for the program. But, what of other potential game programmers that want to make home-brew game of their titles? Also, it may help to get feedback on a site like this as well. Just a suggestion, that's all. Thanks.
  4. I had heard that there is also a new variant of RB+ that hopefully will soon be released for the public to use called "Bello BASIC." That can be used on Atari 16/32 computers for game programming. I am sure most of you have heard of it on AtariAge right now. It was used to create a mini version of Bexagon for the Falcon, if I remember correctly. It is also being made for the Jaguar, of course.
  5. Is this prototype of "Dark Tower" a completed prototype for the Vectrex? I am understandably curious. Thanks.
  6. I have every A7800 game on the list on the right that was sent from Atari that you received, Justin, in your picture. In fact, I have over fifty A7800 games in my collection, with some still with the boxes. I have had an Atari collection, starting with the A2600, for over thirty-six years now. We started our collection back in 1982, back when I was going to be eight that year, for USD$129.00 in 1982 dollars. Now, over 300 games later for five platforms, I could not be happier. I can relate to the part where people call you "ma'am". They did that to me when I was twelve. I will be forty-four next month. Thanks for sharing, Justin.
  7. You know, judging by the fact that there is what looks like Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Portuguese, along with English, it looks like an International version. I know for a fact that you would never see all these languages on an American box. French and Spanish, maybe. But, not the other languages. I think that you are right, as all evidence points to the possibility of it being an International. It must have been made for all throughout Europe, South America, and possibly Canada, as Canadians can utilize both French and English as their official languages. Well, depending on where you are at in Canada, anyway. It is actually in great shape, considering. Thanks for showing us. CORRECTION: Not Portuguese. It was French. Sorry.
  8. You know, this is great that you brought it up. I have NEVER seen this box variation before. It must be Canadian, but I see the "Short Rainbow" model on the box, so I could be wrong. Great find, Atarileaf. That box seems a rarity, as it is the first time that I have ever seen it. Thanks. By the way, you would think that the box variations would be the same for the United States and Canada, because both nations use NTSC as their signal standard, and are in the North American market. I could be 180º off on that, but maybe this is a Canadian box variation. Another question: your silver box variation, is it also in French and in English as well?
  9. Huh, never thought of that. It might work. Thanks.
  10. Here are some better photos of the A2600 Jr. "Short Rainbow" that I own. You can see the damage and my attempt at mitigating it. It still needs work. But, I am confident it can be repaired cosmetically. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  11. I have an A2600 Jr. "Short Rainbow" console that I bought at SPACE (Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts) in Saint Paul about twenty years ago. The case on the console got damaged from a fall off of a shelf, but it is only moderate cosmetic damage, can be repaired (and I tried with epoxy), and still works well. I need to make more cosmetic repairs on it, but now and then I still play it. Anybody know where I can get some black plastic putty filler? Like Bondo or epoxy, maybe. That would be all I needed to repair this thing. Here is a picture of the console. Thanks.
  12. I had heard that MK3 was being developed for the Jag while the Jaguar was still being marketed. I was waiting for that to be released as well. But, they did not release it. With the marketing scheme Jack Tramiel had, I don't think that even MK3 would have saved the Jaguar. People were tired of Atari by then. Alas…
  13. You are most welcome, and thanks. Happy to oblige.
  14. I like this, too. Just burned it. I also like the interactive graphics. Nice touch. One minor thing, and it is constructive criticism of course. No offense. The track, "Fade to Black," is not. It is really "The Call of Ktulu," by Metallica. Other than that, it's pretty cool. Thanks for letting me share.
  15. Agreed on Black ICE/White Noise, and maybe Freelancer. I would have liked to see Dracula: The Undead on there as well. It was coming but was cancelled. The previous two I mentioned were as well, of course.
  16. I love the backgrounds in your game here. It is coming along. Thanks again for showing.
  17. I have not used my 1040STE much lately, but it works splendidly. I wish I had a Falcon030 computer, but they cost an arm and a leg nowadays, and they are scarce. I might get a Mega ST soon, but that is up in the air at the moment. Money talks there. Here are more pictures of my collection…
  18. Thanks. There's more coming soon.
  19. These are just a sample of what I own. A taste, if you will. I have roughly 300 games for all my systems and Atari computers, and I am working on an inventory of them all. By the way, My 1040ST is not an STF model, as it may look like that. It is actually an STE model. Just for show-and-tell, that's all. I will post more later on, as I did not realize that I could only post ten photos at a time on a post. Thanks again.
  20. Hey, everybody, I noticed that I have been on here since 2014. But, I never said my introduction. I will not go into detail about who I am beyond my avatar, but I will say a few things about myself and have a little show-and-tell. I live in Minnesota, where it is extremely cold at this writing. I enjoy sci-fi, drawing and sketching, graphic design, collecting Atari games (of which I will show part of my collection here in a bit), meeting with my friends, and animation. My dream is to be an animated cartoon producer, and to teach others how to create animation who are of low-income status and/or have a disability. I also want to create a game in the future, but that is still in the planning stages. Here are samples of my Atari game collection. This may take a few posts to put up because there are twenty-one photographs of my collection. Thanks.
  21. I thought that there would be something like obstacles in there. Pretty cool idea.
  22. Hey, Clint, will there be an enemy component to it as well? For instance, you can have sharks in there, too. Just a thought. Thanks.
  23. Well, it looks great already. Keep up the good work, Clint. Thanks.
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