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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. Fine, I'll spill the beans as Young found me out. I'm now over at Atari Age! I won't post as often as I post here, but if I run out of daily posts (like I do often these days) I will post there. It's hard to get HDN to shut up for once!

  2. Wednesday night chat! I hope I can make it tonight.

  3. For absolutely no reason, I watched Little Shop of Horrors yesterday in the middle of the night. Just out of nowhere I decided to watch it on my phone.

    I should clarify that this is the 1960 version I watched, not the musical. I've never seen the musical/movie adaptation of it before.

    I honestly loved this movie so much. It's not good, mind you, but it's entertaining. It's campy and corny as all hell. I laughed a couple of times actually. It's nice that it doesn't take itself too seriously. There's one scene in the movie when Audrey comes over to Semour's mother's house for dinner. She takes a drink of something and says something along the lines of "This tastes like cough syrup". Without skipping a beat, the mother says "Doctor FLYNN'S cough syrup!" That got a chuckle out of me. There are a lot of little moments like that and plenty of slapstick as well. That stuff just makes this low-budget film burst with charm.

    This movie reminds me a TON of Help!, the Beatles film. The humor is very similar in the two. 

    I highly recommend watching this "so bad it's good" movie. I love this. I know it isn't everybody's cup of tea but it's at least worth a shot. It's up on YouTube in its entirety.


  4. Daniel LaRusso’s gonna fight?!?

  5. Happy new year, all. I hope we have a half-decent year this time.

  6. The Christmas episode of the 2600 GBG Podcast has been released! It’s so cool to hear words I wrote appear on the show. I hope to write in more regularly.

  7. I have been thinking about that giveaway I planned to do, and though I considered doing many different things for it, I have finally decided that I will hold on to the games and wait for someone too need them for their collection and just give it to them.

  8. Since NSG's podcast no longer exists, this morning I went with plan B and wrote in to the 2600 Game by Game Podcast! I wrote in for the upcoming Christmas special. I hope Ferg reads my email, and I hope to send in more feedback in the future!

  9. Thanks for the 7800 ROMs from the last few years worth of Squad Challenges, Justin! Mwa, ha, ha!

  10. Hat Trick is a good game.

  11. You can't mince onions. You gotta have big chunks. You want to be able to bite into the different layers. That's the only right way to chop onions, kids.

  12. All my Atari controllers decided to break within the same 3-day span. Wonderful. I love work.

  13. Let's all give a round of applause to James Campbell Jr. on his amazing Spider Fighter score! 900k; beat the game essentially. He played for nearly five hours on stream. Bravo to this man's dedication.

  14. My mom told me if I learned this song for her I could have my stuff back. I learned it, and GUESS WHAT? Not good enough for her. Again. I'm so sick of this...

  15. Happy birthday, dauber!

  16. Today I learned that Pricecharting.com has a feature to add up the worth of your collection. It's been consuming my day. I didn't realize how much some of my dad's games went for. I had no idea SOS was worth $70! Thanks, Dad, for not selling anything. Will I sell some of the games I didn't know were that much? Probably not. But I'm a little surprised.

  17. Oh look, what clever children!

    See them study, watch them learn!

    How I hate those goodie-goodies!

    How they make my stomach turn.

    I've got a little secret

    That'll really make them cry!

    It's a nasty kind of magic

    From a special kind of guy.

    This book is made to order,

    But it isn't to be read.

    When they open up this book,

    They're sucked inside instead

    To the most unpleasant place they've ever seen!

    The magic labyrinth of I.M. Meen!

    Very scary and confusing!

    Destination of my choosing!

    Magic labyrinth of I.M. Meen!

  18. If I had the resources, I would do so many "Ugly Game Givaways". You take super ugly and beat up cartridges (that work) and give them a new and loving home.

  19. Gee, it sure is BOOOORING around here... Just kidding! Not a very active day for me on the forums though... Just not feeling it today I guess.

  20. Oh, me? Nothing much. Just working on my new physical game for @RickRHDN Run Duology. It's a physical edition of some Endless Runner-style games I made in 8th grade. The back of the jewel case even parodies the Tunnel Runner manual! I don't know how to post pictures in status updates though, so I can't show you here.

    I hope to make physical editions of some of my other games that I made oh-so long ago.


  21. Come to the chat room tonight for some Wednesday Night Atari chat, only this time, it's the :nintendo_snes:! Same time, different system! We will help socrates63 collect for his new machine!

  22. I am not sure if I want to spend the money on Mario 3D All-Stars. They aren't really remaking them like they did on SNES, just porting upscaled games in widescreen. I have all three games already. Also, I heard you can't use the analog GameCube triggers for Sunshine, and I'd already rather play Mario 64 DS than the original (64DS is my favorite Mario Game). I'm not sure if I would rather have this $60 game or a ton of games for my older systems.

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