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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. The Arkham Asylum Batmobile by Hot Wheels
  2. It's nights like this I miss the chats. Looking forward to their return in the future!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RickR


      Understood Justin. I don't think we want you to go through any expense or trouble, or wipe the forums. My thought would be to try one of the external chat providers and then just provide a link via a "sticky" forum post.

    3. nosweargamer


      I agree with Rick. I don't blame you at all Justin and don't want you to feel pressured to start from scratch again just to add a chat.

    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Yea, man, Atari I/O has a lot of topic history to have to start from scratch again. And I know setting one of these up is a pain in the rear. Find an outside alternative. Maybe setup an Atari I/O twitch channel. They have chat.

  3. My first review of a 3DS eShop game Ep 365: Xeodrifter
  4. Meep! Meep! Ep 364: Road Runner (Atari 2600)
  5. BEWARE of Ep 363: The 2016 MSI Space Invaders Plug n Play
  6. Whether it's in your top ten today or as a kid list, it's cool to see Pac-Man and E.T. show up, since they get bashed so often. As a kid, both would've made my top ten and I still enjoy them today. Kangaroo would've also made my top ten as a kid list.
  7. Game #22 3DS Digital Download Only (Yes, I'm going to try to pull off a handheld review)
  8. Based on 136 games I've reviewed so far in the past 3+ years 1) Adventure 2) Pitfall! 3) Yars' Revenge 4) Ice Hockey 5) Haunted House 6) Ms. Pac-Man 7) River Raid 8) Dig Dug 9) Space Invaders 10) Jr. Pac-Man Some of my childhood favorites, like Pitfall & Adventure, held up well, while others, like Fishing Derby, did not. I think there are some games that I like even more today than when I was a kid, including Ice Hockey and Ms. Pac-Man. One of my favorites as a kid was Superman. It will be interesting to see how it holds up when I finally give it time again. And I still have over 100 games in my collection I have yet to review, so my top ten could change in the future.
  9. I'm always open to trades
  10. Road Runner - Atari 2600 New, but there is a hole in the plastic near the NEW sticker corner and small part of the cardboard has broke through the plastic near the "Winners don't use drugs" emblem. $18, includes shipping or trade
  11. Yup, it appears to be the first turbo controller Sega made for the Genesis/Mega Drive. I'm guessing MegaFire gets it's name from the Mega Drive. Interestingly enough, on the first arcade style joystick Sega made for the Genesis, they labeled the turbo fire options, Megafire as well.
  12. The stuff in the box should be retro or retro related (so something like a new Mario amiibo would fine, since it is related to something retro). The majority of the contents of the box should be gaming related, but there can be some other retro stuff in there too, like movies, toys and trading cards.
  13. Nope. It does take place in a dessert, but it was published by Atari, not Activision.
  14. HUGE thanks to MalakZero for sending me the following in a trade: BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! Check out all the goodies he threw in!
  15. Thanks for the suggestions. I don't have a TRU by me, so that's a no go and I wanted something that could hold multiples and flip easy, and a frame might be too heavy for that. Right now, I'm consider one of these menu flip holders. I need some more money before I can buy one and I have to measure to see if it would work. BTW, I was happy to recently get these two vidpro cards, which is what inspired me to ask.
  16. Thank you! One of the reasons I do the show is that you can watch them with your kids hanging around, so that is cool to hear.
  17. (Thanks to Rick for trading me this one ) The 2016 MSI Space Invaders Plug n Play
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