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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Ep 279: Quadrun (with special thanks to Ballblazer for loaning this to me for review)
  2. More available from recent reviews for sale or trade (Prices include IO discount and shipping) Pole Position 2 Loose - ($6 each) Typo Label - ($11) Sealed Box - ($11) Sprint Master - ($6)
  3. Thanks to Ballblazer, not only for the Wico Boss and Steeplechase, but also loaning me Quadrun to review!
  4. You're welcome! I don't know what you're talking about! The race track lines are blue & white instead of red & white and the cars must be electric since they no longer emit exhaust. Clearly unique artwork. Atari corp would never be that cheap, right?
  5. I liked doing the first one so much, that I'm doing it again. I'm letting you chose what game I review on the next Atari Day! I'm not sure when I will call it, but I will give it at least a week, so vote early!
  6. I think "guilty pleasure" is a good way to sum up the game. I was invited to go on The Retro League Podcast a few months ago when they were talking about 1 on 1 fighters and I actually chose the Lynx version of Pit Fighter to talk about, since I wanted to bring up Atari in some way, especially the Lynx, which often doesn't get much attention on multi system podcasts.
  7. Actually, I think they do (I forgot), but am pretty sure it's sibling thingamajig is not.
  8. Thanks BTB! That's a whole lot better than "NSG for death!"
  9. Here's what I passed on and put in (Yes, inlcuding the Ecto Cooler!):
  10. Hey! It looks like quite a bit of your stuff got taken out! Good Job! (Don't beat yourself up about what didn't get taken. All junk boxes have stuff return) BTW, that is an EA 4 Player Adapter for the Sega Genesis Sorry about the Ecto Cooler! I didn't know you couldn't drink it Also, looks like the RS Tennis Box got crushed, despite my best packing. Was the Tron box ok?
  11. In this special episode of The Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast, I am joined with Greg from The SNES Podcast and Jim & Sean from the Pie Factory Podcast as we take turns picking games in my first ever Atari 7800 Draft Special!
  12. Thank You Rowsdower for this smurfy good batch o games!
  13. Tiger Head to Head Talking Baseball LCD Game
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