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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Woot! I guess someday we'll have to follow up with a Cosmic Ark contest!
  2. I just wanted to dedicate a topic to these two games from Imagic. Both are beloved by many, but what I find neat is how the games combine. In case you didn't know, Cosmic Ark takes place right after Atlantis, making it officially an unofficial sequel. Whereas a game like Missile Command ends with total destruction, in Atlantis, when doom catches up to you, you actually make an escape (something I don't recall other games doing) and continue your journey rescuing life forms from other doomed planets in Cosmic Ark. What a great concept! It would've been cool to see more games continue story lines like this, but play in their own unique way. I even made a combined gameplay video that kinda shows how these two games blend together:
  3. Reminder: To guarantee your votes get counted, please submit them here or send them to atari7800podcast@aol.com by Friday 11:18 PM EST. I will fit in late entries if I can, but no guarantees. If you order your lists, they will be weighted accordingly, if you don't all the game will receive the same weight. Also, please remember homebrews will not count, since this is for original releases only.
  4. Let me know if I have something you want to trade for it!
  5. I should still have it! It's all yours Rick! The main systems I'm collecting for include: 2600, Jag, Lynx, Genesis, Master System, Saturn, NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy (& Color), GBA, DS, 3DS, 3DO, Neo Geo Pocket (& Color) and various handheld games I don't have. I'm also interested in getting systems I don't have like the XEGS, Turbo Duo and Colecovision.
  6. FYI, after closer examination, I have picked up a faint smoker odor with the manuals being more noticeable. I don't notice the odor, unless the stuff is close to my nose. I 'm in the process of airing them out a bit, but if you want to back out that's totally fine. I also tested the games you both wanted and they work. BB - I have both Starmasters manuals (one was hidden in the other) I also noticed some spotting on the back of the manuals, with Xenophobe having the most. If you still want to do a future trade, let me know and I will hold the stuff. If not, let me know and I will put it on the bay. SB - I didn't see anything I wanted on your list, but I would be willing to ship all 3 games for $10 or you can add the Dodge em manual for $1 more. Let me know if your interested or not. THANKS!!!
  7. I record to a DVD recorder. I use audacity for commentary and Windows Movie Maker for editing. I use a Blue Yeti Microphone with windscreen and shockmount.
  8. I just got a bunch of 2600/7800 games in, a lot with manuals (and a 2600 system manual). I haven't had a chance to test them, but will if you are interested. I am also willing to separate games from manuals. Apparently these belonged to a smoker. The smell isn't strong to me. I can only smell it if I put the items close to my nose. But please be advised.
  9. I have a loose, no hook ups, 7800 for trade. There is a chunk of plastic missing in the back, but that should be just cosmetic. I haven't had time to test it, but will do so if anyone is interested
  10. No Doubt! And you with no strikes! Thankfully we're allowed one, or I would've been the first one out in week 2. Now I'm hanging around like a bad cold, lol. It was also interesting the other week when we both picked the same team. If we both lost, you would've won!
  11. Thanks! Yeah, just for me personally, I found Galaxian boring, Vanguard too slow and Raiders too hard to explore and needing a walkthrough to enjoy. Math Gran Prix actually had a fun, board game aspect to it with some randomness involved. Wow! Thanks!!! Lol, I might do another 100 to 200, but I don't expect to review em all! Thanks LD. I am well aware this video can prompt arguments, but that's half the fun. It would be boring if we all had the same top 10.
  12. FYI - I have it on good authority that a new podcast covering only 7800 Homebrews will be out in the next month or two!
  13. So I did it! I've reviewed and ranked 100 Atari 2600 games on my No Swear Gamer YouTube show. And now I've compiled my 2600 rankings into a single video. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. These rankings are based on my enjoyment of the games as a single player experience, so brace yourselves as you might be shocked by some of my personal feelings on the games.
  14. Was Nov 8, now the 27th. I have the Sega Portable by AtGames. The screen is small, but very clear. I think it would work fine for 2600 games.
  15. I'm actually one of those weirdos who likes 2600 Dark Chambers better than the 7800 version.\ Oh, and I like Ace of Aces too.
  16. Yeah, I heard the launch got pushed from early Nov to late Nov, hopefully for the better.
  17. Ep 290: Kung Fu Master My 100th Atari 2600 Game Review!
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